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Pip boy mesh redone


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Well, it seems that the most used device in FO3 has a pretty lame model. I really like its designs, but the whole damn thing is filled with holes and imperfections. I mean, you literally can see through it.

As you can see :





Ain't that gross ? Things are even worse when you look at it in Nifskope. This kinda ruins the Pip Boy to me.


I am hereby asking for the most generous and welcome help of a kind, gifted, awesome modder thanks to whom I'd no longer get sickened by this dumb piece of junk. I cannot simply switch to another kind of Pip Boy for most of them require FOSE -which I can't use with my version of Fallout. Besides, I really like its original design.


Thanks to anyone who'd feel like spending a lil' bit of time on this.



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There seems to be a misunderstanding here. My bad - I meant that I can't use FOSE. For some reason, Windows Live conflicts quite badly with FOSE. The point is that many mods which replace the Pip Boy with something else require FOSE in order to work properly. This is purely a model-related issue.

Edited by FrenchieDwemer
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