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Mouse click with melee weapons problem


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Hello ! :)


I think i have an issue, though i'm not realy sure it's an issue, maybe it's perfectly working as intended.. i just want to be sure before starting to troubleshoot it and uninstall every mod, etc.


When i have melee weapons (any type of melee weapons, 1h, 2h, both mouse buttons does the same when dual wielding), and i click very fast (let's say the finger doesn't stay on the mouse button more than a couple milliseconds), the weapon just doesn't swing.. to make it swing, i have to let my finger slightly longer on the mouse (again, we're talking about milliseconds).


At first i thought it was a mouse problem, but in menus, or even with a bow, it work just fine.. it only does that with melee weapons. For testing sake, i tried to bind the mouse button to a keyboard key, and affect this key to weapon swing, but same problem.


Honestly, it's the first time i notice that problem, but i couldn't say it was working better before.. maybe my fingers just got faster with time.. lol


Any clues about that ? Is that even a bug, or it's working as intended with melee weapons ?

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It could be a mouse thing.


I recently had my mouse stop working with the in game character generation screen (couldn't switch categories). Thought it might have been a screw up after having tried the Race Menu mod, but an actual switch of the mouse to another one solved the problem.


As far as weapons specifically, there have been times that I thought that they didn't swing unless I clicked a little longer. It may be that the game uses its own settings for mouse speeds & click recognition rather than that setup by Windows. This is reinforced by the fact that my wireless mouse (the one that had issues with the chargen screen) needed to have changes made to the x & y speed settings in the INI file while the wired mouse I replaced it with did not need those adjusted speed settings.

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