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Best way to use Wrye Bash and NMM together?


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I've been looking to use Wrye Bash for a while now, but not entirely sure about it and how to run it. I'm most accustomed to NMM, so Wrye Bash looks a bit daunting. What is the ideal way to use the two? Use NMM to download everything into the Wrye Bash folder and use BAIN to install everything? or what?


I've looked at this guide - http://www.overclock.net/t/1206230/guide-to-setting-up-wrye-bash-and-nmm-for-skyrim for help, but I can't find the "Install Info" file in the bash folder to direct that to.


And any other guides that are useful for WB? All the YT guides I've seen aren't too helpful IMO as they are very general and only use WB and maybe BOSS. So many new things with WB and BAIN.....

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What I do is download and install mods with NMM then use Wrye Bash to add a Bashed Patch, edit my load order, check for master errors, etc. Most mods that have BAIN installers will also have NMM ones so you shouldn't have much of a problem using NMM for installing. On the off chance that a mod only uses BAIN though, you would just have to download and install the mod manually (again, it's super unlikely that any mod would only have BAIN installation).


Personally, I haven't done anything more advanced with Wrye Bash than make a bashed patch so I doubt you need to spend too much time with comprehensive tutorials.

Edited by BlahDog
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Also, where exactly does it say if a mod has a BAIN installer? O.o also, does anyone else's Wrye Bash folder have an Install Info folder? or should i leave that the default if I'm editing the path for the mods to be downloaded into WB through NMM

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Just use Wyre Bash OR NMM to download/install mods; it doesn't make sense [to me] to use NMM to download and Wyre Bash to install [if you want to use only WyreBash, it would instead make more sense to download manually and use Wyre Bash to install].


As was stated above, you can use NMM to download/install your mods, and use Wyre Bash for everything else [i do this]. This is because both NMM and Wyre Bash depend on Skyrim; which only has 1 install path.

Edited by UWShocks
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  • 4 years later...

tho they say Wrye Bash is the best for mod managing I too just use NMM to download/install mods to skyrim and then make bash patches accordingly in wrye and see if anything is messed up with the plugins due to masters being in weird places n stuff. I also just use Loot to sort the load order (b4 making a bash patch) which seems to just work well for me. but yea you could just install everything through wrye bash itself. I just think its learning curve is a little much and NMM is just so simple.. but yea. NMM doesnt really help you figure out which mods can cause an issue as well as Wrye Bash can. thats why i use both.

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