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Problems with Creation Kit?


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So I'm trying to make a new follower that's a vampire but when I set the race as "NordRaceVampire" and import her appearance it changes her back to the plain "NordRace". When I change it back, her appearance has changed. Is there another way to make her a vampire?

Edited by FXM420
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Lets make sure I understand this properly...


You setup an actor as a Nord vampire. You import the NPC traits. The appearance is there but the race has changed to non-vampire. You correct the race but then the appearance changes.


If this is correct, then you need to open up the NordRaceVampire record and make sure that it contains access to all of the assets you want to use for your character. By assets I mean, hair, eyes, colors, nose shapes, lip shapes, all of it.


What is most likely happening is that the NordRaceVampire does not have access to some of the assets that your NPC file is using. When you import the NPC file, it's race is Nord so it changes but when you switch to NordRaceVampire those assets it does not have access to are replaced with defaults.


Another possibility is for you to recreate the character you got the NPC file from and have them turned into a vampire before making the NPC file with the SPF command.

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