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Requiem - place to store items?


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Hi all, just started this cool mod but carry weight is really a problem.


horse costs 6000 so the house in whiterun i guess won't be less than 20000 and money is a big issue.

so i need to store things that i don't need right now.

where can i store items if i don't have a house?


arrows weigh too and i am an archer. in the readme file there is written that in the optional files you can disable arrows' weigh but it's not there now. do you know how to fix this ?


thanks a lot if you have any info on these 2 issues

Edited by savior99
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i dunno, you could install a begginer house mod, but i think one of the advantages of requiem is that cells don't respawn so that'd make all containers safe. otherwise there are a few little places with safe storage. i think the earliest one is a alchemist house with a cellar. there's a list on the uesp, and you can also join factions with safe places.

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