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Absorb stamina vs. stamina damage?


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Hi everybody. :-)


I'm not a new guy here anymore, but I'm still pretty green.


Enchanting is proving to be one of the most valuable skill sets for me. I enchant constantly until I've maxed-out the enchantments on my weapons and armor.


But I still can't figure out what some of the enchantments are doing! <lol>


There are (I think) 4 enchantments that "absorb" the forces of the bad guys. I can, for example, enchant a blade to absorb 20 points of health. These are some of the most valuable enchantments.


But I can't figure out the difference between, say, "Absorb Health" and "Damage Health." I've been choosing Absorb Health here because the game seems to value the Absorb enchantments so much more than the Damage enchantments. (This doesn't really become obvious until I've gotten some enchanting experience.)


I'm guessing that if my blade Absorbs the bad guy's Health, that means the Health lost won't be available to regenerate during the fight. If that's right, does it mean that the bad guy has lost those Health points permanently??


Finally, here's a 2nd but related question that's been puzzlying me:


I understand that many of the enchantments hurt the bad guys in specific ways, and I'm trying to fight smarter when I can. But what's the difference between the "Damage" a blade does and the "Damages health" added by an enchantment? Or are these 2 really the same thing?


I always write long, talky questions, but I'm happy with a few words that'll help me get some of this stuff sorted. Thanks for sure . . .





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1st Question: Absorb Health transfers health from target to attacker. On target, it is equivalent to Damage Health; on attacker, it is equivalent to Restore Health. In short, Absorb Health = Damage Health + Restore Health, that's why it is more expensive than Damage Health.

2nd question: Damage from the blade is physical damage, it will be modified by target's armor rating. Damage Health added by enchantment is magical damage, it is modified by target's magic resistance.

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