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Weird Mesh Glitch in Quarry Junction?


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At least I think it's a mesh glitch.


Only texture/mesh mods I use that change rocks are NMC, Ojo Bueno, and George's Landscapes (followed the instructions to overwrite the other two with it). And maybe Asterra's Many Fixes? Removing George's Landscapes, and reinstalling NMC and Ojo didn't fix it.


Only place I noticed this problem is in Quarry Junction.





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The weirdest thing is that the textures sometimes load correctly, and other times they don't.


So, they work sometimes and other times they don't load properly and look like this. Depending on where I load in my save in Quarry Junction. One part ends up rendered correctly, and the other part doesn't.

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Neither can anyone else without more information. Please see "How to ask for help" and provide all the information noted there including any and all files that do not show in the load order. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/How_to_ask_for_help

Have Windows 10. Graphics Card is a RTX 3080. Everything is up to date for the drivers. 32 gigabytes of memory. Eight core i7 10870H CPU. 8 gigs of Vram. 240 hz Pantone screen.


As for all texture mods I use and possible other texture/mesh related stuff:







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That is a nice list of mods, however, it is not a load order and doesn't show everything that is installed.


Your symptoms would indicate that you are trying to load too many mod files and the game can't handle the load.

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That is a nice list of mods, however, it is not a load order and doesn't show everything that is installed.


Your symptoms would indicate that you are trying to load too many mod files and the game can't handle the load.

Copying this from Loot this is the whole thing but from my experience it's usually a conflicting texture or mesh; which wouldn't show up as a plugin unless one esp exists there to make sure it works properly. The problem is that I can't figure out which one it is. Everything else works great. It's just Quarry Junction. Nowhere else. So, I know it's a specific rock texture or mesh. So, I tried removing George's Landscapes but that didn't work. Same with Asterra's Many Fixes (which changes some meshes). NMC, and Ojo.


0 0 FalloutNV.esm

1 1 DeadMoney.esm

2 2 HonestHearts.esm

3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm

4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm

5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm

6 6 ClassicPack.esm

7 7 MercenaryPack.esm

8 8 TribalPack.esm

9 9 CaravanPack.esm

10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm

11 b BraveNewWorld.esm

12 c HomingProjectiles.esm

13 d New Vegas Redesigned II.esm

14 e Asterra's Many Fixes.esp

15 f Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm

16 10 deat.esp

17 11 TLD_Travelers.esm

18 12 Vikki and Vance Improvements.esm

19 13 vault22FloralOverhaul.esm

20 14 AWSW.esm

21 15 JIP Selective-Fire.esm

22 16 Working Vending Machines.esm

23 17 HelmetVisionEnhancementsPlusDLC.esm

24 18 WastelandEncounters.esm

25 19 MTB.esm

26 1a Tuneable Radios.esm

27 1b YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp

28 1c Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp

29 1d Dynamic Pipboy Light.esp

30 1e Vurt's WFO.esp

31 1f SawedOffsForCowboy.esp

32 20 GhostPeoplePerceptionFix.esp

33 21 Gabe Perception Fix.esp

34 22 MigGaussFix.esp

35 23 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

36 24 Uncut Wasteland.esp

37 25 STDG.esp

38 26 Loot Vehicles.esp

39 27 Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp

40 28 Psycho and Slasher Bonus Damage Fix.esp

41 29 CCSP2_5d.esp

42 2a CriticalEffectFixes.esp

43 2b AmmoScriptFixes.esp

44 2c MigMultiCase.esp

45 2d almostPerfect.esp

46 2e HPSAddOn.esp

47 2f Honest Hearts Workbench Crate Luck.esp

48 30 Immersive Hit Reactions.esp

49 31 PerkAndChallengeTweaks.esp

50 32 Karma Perks.esp

51 33 MeleeCleave.esp

52 34 NPCs Can Miss.esp

53 35 OldWorldBlues - Keep Big MT Active.esp

54 36 Vats_Range.esp

55 37 Perception_And_Vats_Accuracy.esp

56 38 Simple DLC Delay.esp

57 39 PyromaniacEffectsBuff.esp

58 3a outsidebets_meyersfix.esp

59 3b Mother Lupa.esp

60 3c TMCOTT - Restored.esp

61 3d BushSounds.esp

62 3e ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp

63 3f More Accurate Geiger Clicking.esp

64 40 JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp

65 41 Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp

66 42 Shotgun Commando Redone.esp

67 43 karlsJnlegionledger.esp

68 44 MiscItemIconsNV.esp

69 45 CIB Bighorners - HH.esp

70 46 CIB Bighorners.esp

71 47 FP gun follows crosshairs.esp

72 48 NVGustsyHandyAnimatedEyes.esp

73 49 Integration - Couriers Stash.esp

74 4a The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

75 4b Project Reality Footsteps.esp

76 4c Universal Antivenom.esp

77 4d Rebreather Tweaked.esp

78 4e BartonThornTrigger.esp

79 4f Better Casinos.esp

80 50 NVSuperMutantCommander.esp

81 51 MonocyteImplantImproved.esp

82 52 ARK.esp

83 53 BetterArmedBrightFollowers.esp

84 54 NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp

85 55 Ammo recipes.esp

86 56 Instant Aid Healing.esp

87 57 And Stay Back! Improved.esp

88 58 NVFeralGhoulChildren.esp

89 59 JamFix.esp

90 5a flash.esp

91 5b No speed penalty.esp

92 5c FirstAidNVSE.esp

93 5d IMPACT.esp

94 5e Harvestable Cave Fungus.esp

95 5f T4-plugin.esp

96 60 Take Chems Make Fiends.esp

97 61 Radiation Suit Balance.esp

98 62 Vicious Violetta.esp

99 63 Soft PA Footsteps.esp

100 64 New Icons For T-51B FONV Edition.esp

101 65 LonesomeRoadScorchedSierraPowerHelmet.esp

102 66 ADAM - Trooper Gloves.esp

103 67 HelmetVisionEnhancementsPlusDLC - Scorched Sierra Power Helmet.esp

104 68 migWellRested.esp

105 69 Snuffles Redesigned.esp

106 6a Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp

107 6b outsidebets.esp

108 6c NVxMcCarranMonorailAnimation_AAMpatch.esp

109 6d Mojave Raiders.esp

110 6e Asterra's Many Fixes - Brave New World compatibility patch.esp

111 6f NVR2 - YUP Patch.esp

112 70 AAM.esp

113 71 Water Overhaul.esp

114 72 xatmosSkillPerks.esp

115 73 UltimateUnarmedMeleePerkTweaks.esp

116 74 Lucky38Reloadedv5.esp

117 75 Mojave Arsenal.esp

118 76 Lucky 38 Clean.esp

119 77 Little More Lamplight.esp

120 78 nellisAFBrestored.esp

121 79 Choose Lockpick Or Use Key.esp

122 7a Eddie Hears An Explosion.esp

123 7b Casino Crowds.esp

124 7c Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style).esp

125 7d Lucky38Overhaul.esp

126 7e NewVegasUncut 123457 Merged.esp

127 7f The Storyteller.esp

128 80 PrimmSouthUncut.esp

129 81 ADAM Complete.esp

130 82 Vendors Containers Respawn Fix - Simple Edition.esp

131 83 ADAM - MERGE.esp

132 84 BraveNewWorld-YUP.esp

133 85 NVR2 - BNW Patch.esp

134 86 BraveNewWorld-OutsideBets.esp

135 87 NVR2 - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp

136 88 This Isn't Goodbye.esp

137 89 Julie Farkas Says Take Care.esp

138 8a InteriorOwnership.esp

139 8b Bathroom Doors Fix.esp

140 8c A Cyber Affair.esp

141 8d lexx_brahmin-variant.esp

142 8e Be Merciful.esp

143 8f BR_MeatPrepAnimations.esp

144 90 CaravanOverhaulCompilation.esp

145 91 No Witnesses.esp

146 92 The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp

147 93 Rainy Days V2.esp

148 94 Simple Reputation and Disguises.esp

149 95 GRA Scavenger Hunt Balanced NVSE.esp

150 96 Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp

151 97 Portable Tent.esp

152 98 NVDetachableTurrets.esp

153 99 Snow Globe Quest.esp

154 9a Snowglobes Redone.esp

155 9b Alternative Repairing.esp

156 9c Clarity - Dark Nights.esp

157 9d Free the Slaves.esp

158 9e ReconUnderArmor.esp

159 9f Vanilla Intro Plus.esp

160 a0 GolfWaterScene.esp

161 a1 NukaCola-Ojo.esp

162 a2 NVxExplosiveMiniTurret.esp

163 a3 Joshua Graham's Revenge.esp

164 a4 Enslave Gannon fix.esp

165 a5 A Crime Against Nature.esp

166 a6 RangerSequoiaSafehouse.esp

167 a7 Restored Caravan Dialogue.esp

168 a8 StartingGearOverhaul.esp

169 a9 SaveCass.esp

170 aa ULCurtainReplacer.esp

171 ab Beyond The Beef Tweaks.esp

172 ac Working Magazine Machines.esp

173 ad Alternative Repairing - Honest Hearts.esp

174 ae Alternative Repairing - Lonesome Road.esp

175 af MentatsGaloreWastelandParty.esp

176 b0 Uncut Strip NPCs.esp

177 b1 FasterAccessToLucky38.esp

178 b2 LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp

179 b3 lightupandsmokethosecigarettes_dm.esp

180 b4 NVExperimentalGlasses.esp

181 b5 Enhanced NPC Awareness.esp

182 b6 DLC Weapon Integration.esp

183 b7 ChildAtHeartPerk.esp

184 b8 Grunt Perk Expanded.esp

185 b9 Book of Steel.esp

186 ba LiveDismember.esp

187 bb Groundcover Overhaul.esp

188 bc Better Balanced Backpacks.esp

189 bd majormodder's Junk Food to Barbeque Crisps.esp

190 be NaturalWaters.esp

191 bf AutomaticArtisanPerk.esp

192 c0 FO4StyleCompanionRevive.esp

193 c1 YUP-OutsideBets.esp

194 c2 Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp

195 c3 Tesla Cannon Casing Remover.esp

196 c4 Complex Vendors.esp

197 c5 Simple Explosive Entry.esp

198 c6 Economy Overhaul.esp

199 c7 Special Snow globes.esp

200 c8 Explorer Perk Revised - Locations.esp

201 c9 BraveNewWorld-ArmorReplacerChildNPCFix.esp

202 ca BraveNewWorld-MojaveRaiders.esp

203 cb NVR2 - UW NPCs Patch.esp

204 cc BraveNewWorld-UncutWastelandNPCs.esp

205 cd Show Pickpocket Success Rate.esp

206 ce Lessons Learned Overhaul.esp

207 cf Lootable_Necklaces.esp

208 d0 RocketPack.esp

209 d1 NVExperimentalDefenceTurret.esp

210 d2 Quickdraw fix.esp

211 d3 hz_Empty Clicks.esp

212 d4 No More Double Open & Close Sounds.esp

213 d5 Better Binoculars.esp

214 d6 LootMenu.esp

215 d7 Mojave Nights.esp

216 d8 ThrowableFixes.esp

217 d9 Street Light Restoration.esp

218 da PerkPackPlus.esp

219 db Melee Reach Revised.esp

220 dc Burning Campfire.esp

221 dd BC2.esp

222 de 5 Level SPECIALs.esp

223 df Jimmy's Modified Weapon Strength Requirements.esp

224 e0 MigKao.esp

225 e1 Thrown Weapons Retrieval DLCs.esp

226 e2 frag.esp

227 e3 Gun Runners' Arsenal Merged.esp

228 e4 YUP + IMPACT.esp

229 e5 Realistic Equip Sounds.esp

230 e6 ThatGunReplacerGRA.esp

231 e7 WTH AMR Fix.esp

232 e8 DTDRAdder.esp

233 e9 Service_Rifle_Remade.esp

234 ea xGeorge Survivalist Rifle.esp

235 eb Simple Interior Lighting.esp

236 ec OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp

237 ed Rain Fix.esp

238 ee RainTweaks.esp

239 ef NoCrosshairsMod.esp

240 f0 TrueBladeOfTheEast.esp

241 f1 Loot Unconscious Victims.esp

242 f2 Complete Respec.esp

243 f3 MigCompanionTweaks.esp

244 f4 TinCansToScrapMetalAndReverse.esp

245 f5 Cap Removed DR DT RR.esp

246 f6 PlasmaSpazRedux.esp

247 f7 TC2BP.esp

248 f8 rockbiter_AnimationSounds.esp

249 f9 singleshot_retex.esp

250 fa 357retex.esp

251 fb MigMeltdown.esp

252 fc JIP Companions Command & Control.esp

253 fd Bashed Patch, 0.esp



Edited by Gwyn21
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Without the game being patched to use 4GB RAM, you are running too many mods.

Patched it before modding anything. And made all necessary ini edits, and have the Mod Limit Fix.


As I said before Quarry Junction is the only glitch I am experiencing, and in the last 10 hours of playing I have no other problems. No crashes. No CTD. No texture issues. The only time I experience lag is when a ton enemies are spawned at once, and too many scripts are happening. However, that's a high threshold and rarely happens.

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