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[Script] and [Animations] - Dead Birds

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Hmmm... interesting question... I'll see if I can find an answer.



By the looks of it there have to be several Havok animations inside the behavior graph .hkx data (Critters\Crow\CrowProject.hkx) corresponding to the properties available for the BirdCritterScript (NPCCrowCall, NPCCrowCallDistressed, NPCCrowWingFlap, NPCCrowWingFlapLand & NPCCrowWingFlapTakeoff. (also noticed the absence of NPCCrowDead or similar)) even though non is mentioned under Havok Anim.


or could they possibly be fully scripted?

Edited by RoNin1971
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I mean there's a clue in the bird script itself (Attached to Crows and Seagulls), but I cannot completely make sense of how it works



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