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How to make armor impossible to take off?

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Good evening everybody!


Is there a way to make a piece of armor impossible to take off once it has been equipped?



A bit of context / why I want to do this:


I would like to add a "cursed item" to a mod that I am currently working on.

Basically a mask that when equipped will kill the player after some time and can't be taken off (unless the player finds a "cure").

Just as a funny / unexpected thing (because usually there are no "cursed items" or "magic" in FO4).

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I made a mistake on a script and called:

pPlayerREF.EquipItem(akItem = ThisArmor, abPreventRemoval = true, abSilent = true)

And then could not unequip the armor with the Pipboy UI, only calling UnequipItem in script.

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I made a mistake on a script and called:

pPlayerREF.EquipItem(akItem = ThisArmor, abPreventRemoval = true, abSilent = true)

And then could not unequip the armor with the Pipboy UI, only calling UnequipItem in script.

Ah, well another "obvious" thing.

I didn't even bother looking at the "EquipItem" function because I thought "well it couldn't be that simple", but turns out that I was wrong. Again.

This seems just like the thing I need!




You could take a look at the Devious Devices mod over on LL, Highly NSFW, but has the "impossible to take off" thing well and truly solved.

I think I still have the "skyrim" version of that mod somewhere on my harddrive.

Just for "research purposes" of course :laugh:

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