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A way to "rate" "script load" for mods


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So there are many mods out there that use scripts. Some use tiny scripts that your cpu barely even notices. Then there are those mods that use so many huge scripts that your CPU just flat out says "I quit... to the desktop!"


I have noticed that some mods, notably Convenient Horses, and Way of the Dovahkin (formerly Sands of Time) have a method by which they can measure script latency.


I'm wondering if a mod can be made that uses that function alone to test a mod's "mod latency impact" so that mod makers can test their own mod to see how much script load it puts out. These results could then be used to "rate" the mode, to let people know if it is a mod that is simply too script heavy for them to consider using, either because of their system or because of how much scripting they already have going on.


Any clue if this is possible?

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