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Mod Problem


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Short story:
I recently downloaded a mod named Stark Shield, by Dhegonus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34821//?
and the problem is, the shield is all purple/pink, and it doesn't look anything like it was suposed to look.

I read in other posts like, this one, that changing the graphic quality should work, but it did not, even with the graphics set to ULTRA at the game panel.

What should I do?

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That's obviously completely wrong - not only is it missing the texture but the mesh looks wrong too (going by the pictures on the mod page)


I'd suggest extracting the files from the mod (with Winrar / 7z) and within the "Data" folder should be a "Textures" folder and a "Meshes" folder - ensure everything is correctly named and file / folder structures are in standard Skyrim format. Correct any errors or inconsistencies if your them, and if it still doesn't work then install the mod manually (dragging + dropping or copying + pasting files yourself).


Other than this, all I could say is carry on reading through all comments posted on the mod page, and maybe even redownload it just in case it became corrupt (although unlikely).

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is the mesh used for that mod, the texture doesn't seem to be working, try re-downloading, if that doesn't work you might try confirming attachment of the texture in creationkit, but if you cant then your probably not going to be able to use it.

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