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Transparent walls glitch? (Possibly ENB related) PLEASE HELP!


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I am currently having a glitch where the sun rays will shine through walls as well as being able to see through doors/walls/trees and other solid objects. I was looking around and found that other people had the same issue and said it was an error with their SkyrimPrefs.ini and the line "bFloatTargetRenderPoint=0" had to be changed to "bFloatTargetRenderPoint=1"


I have absolutely no idea why this issue persists but I have also tried disabling all of my mods and I don't know where to turn to. The ENB/Sharpshooter mod Looks amazing so I would prefer to avoid just trashing it and moving on.


Help is much appreciated and I will link a screenshot momentarily to show what the error looks like :smile:


Sorry it's rather dark for some reason (Darker than my game)

But you can see Barrels and other things that look like shadows through the door and the walls.

Edited by TheSoupKitchenX
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You have nvidia? Install drivers 314.22


Do these drivers fix the issue?


Another solution would be to disable SSAO - I think that's what's causing the problem. Either turn it of using ENBs in-game editor (Shift+Enter) or edit the enbseries.ini file (set SSAO to false).

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Just to report back, the 314.22 drivers DID fix the issue for me... Just not immediately. For some reason my SkyrimPrefs.ini file got reset to default after I had updated it with the correct settings when I re-installed my ENB. Not sure how that happened but after I changed it again and entered the game, no more sun glare through objects and no more translucent walls. Hopefully it'll stay this way!

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