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Just an idea I'm working on : dual wield 2h


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^ Tell that to blizzard. Also, you need to modify many values for balance. Otherwise, it's balanced, but in x situation it will still be massively overpowered, and in z situation it will be so underpowered it's unusable.


For example, if you pull down weapon speed only, some opponents would win every time. Anything that could move and attack quickly could get in, strike you, and be out before you finished one swing.

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^ Tell that to blizzard. Also, you need to modify many values for balance. Otherwise, it's balanced, but in x situation it will still be massively overpowered, and in z situation it will be so underpowered it's unusable.


For example, if you pull down weapon speed only, some opponents would win every time. Anything that could move and attack quickly could get in, strike you, and be out before you finished one swing.

so use some common sense and don't pull attack speed down *that* low?

I still don't think its necessary. Skyrim doesn't have nearly the complexity of a blizzard game. And even if it did, blizzard still rarely edits more than 1-3 properties on patch updates.


More importantly you can't really know what other mods people are going to use. Let the users handle the balance, no point in bogging down a simple mod with too much miscellaneous content.

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Users can't balance things like this without directly editing the mod. This game is more complicated than a blizzard game: we just influence fewer of the values in-game. If you only affect one value, you have to pull it down that low, else it's not actually balanced. A second 2h weapon adds to multiple values, thus to balance, you must subtract from other values.


If you just want to cheat, make a small script that tells every 2h weapon it's a 1h weapon now, and you're done.

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My aim is that there is atleast a bit of balance, if I wanted to "just" dual wield 2handers, I would have downloaded one of the 4 mods that make two-hander wieldable in 1 hand. I want the player to have the look of 2h dual wield without maknig the game too easy for him.


Also, before I start worrying about balance, I'm more worried about how my animations doesn't want to work, do you have any ideas on how I should fix the animations ?

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My aim is that there is atleast a bit of balance, if I wanted to "just" dual wield 2handers, I would have downloaded one of the 4 mods that make two-hander wieldable in 1 hand. I want the player to have the look of 2h dual wield without maknig the game too easy for him.


Also, before I start worrying about balance, I'm more worried about how my animations doesn't want to work, do you have any ideas on how I should fix the animations ?


I don't know much about anims, but as soon as you have a working prototype ESP which achieves everything you want send it to me and I'll make a script which automates its generation (and generation with other mods)

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Mmm, I was more responding to Grimy there, but I got more heated than I ought to have. I find that the easy solution always has a less obvious drawback, and that mods should aim to be balanced, but that's still an opinion, one Grimy doesn't share. You already stated you wanted to balance it to some degree sabrio.


This may seem silly, but are you using FNIS? I'm no expert on animation, but it's supposed to be a modders resource as well as an animation mod, perhaps it can help?

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Cannot you do something like this relatively easy using ReProccer by editing the stats.xml? You can make it compatible then with all the other weapon mods.

I didn't read all the replies, perhaps it has been mentioned already :P

    <weaponName>Nordic Blade</weaponName>

Besides that you can also adjust the attack speed, damage, reach, material costs, etc in there.


Saves you the trouble of creating esp files for each and every change/mod/etc.

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Mmm, I was more responding to Grimy there, but I got more heated than I ought to have. I find that the easy solution always has a less obvious drawback, and that mods should aim to be balanced, but that's still an opinion, one Grimy doesn't share. You already stated you wanted to balance it to some degree sabrio.


This may seem silly, but are you using FNIS? I'm no expert on animation, but it's supposed to be a modders resource as well as an animation mod, perhaps it can help?

Was talking to Grimy too :p

Btw, FNIS is for adding new animations to Skyrim. My aim is just to find a way to play the 1h animation with 2handers (changing the AnimType in the weapon stats fix this but make the weapon appear invisible). I tried by opening by the animation menu and changing the conditions for attack animation but in the end after changing every anim, theonly who got fixed is the left hand normal attack :/

Cannot you do something like this relatively easy using ReProccer by editing the stats.xml? You can make it compatible then with all the other weapon mods.

I didn't read all the replies, perhaps it has been mentioned already :p

I already got someone to do that for me :p

Plus it's not even the hardest part of this mod, heck, it's laughably easy :p

The hard part is to toy with the animations :/

If anyone experienced with the animations menu could help me, I'd be grateful

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