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Some questions about MO


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Hey after weeks trying to get Skyrim working good I switched from Step to Skyrim Revisited.


Pretty much work, I hope its worth it after all. Anyway. I encountered some problems that guide didnt offer me any help for:


Sometimes when I try to install a mod with MO some strange windows appears and I have to set some kind of directory. If I rightclick data directory and click "set data directory" it often says "looks good". And I can install it. But I have no idea what Im doing there and if installation of specified mods was correct in any way..


I encountered a problem with book covers skyrim. I try to install it, select book covers hearthfire, skyrim etc. but it only installs one esp! (I´m supposed to edit them afterwards, but they´re just not installed :O).


Anyone can help me quickly with these two?



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Sometimes when I try to install a mod with MO some strange windows appears and I have to set some kind of directory. If I rightclick data directory and click "set data directory" it often says "looks good". And I can install it. But I have no idea what Im doing there and if installation of specified mods was correct in any way..


Not all mods are packed with the same directory paths that makes them easy to install. Some mod authors nest their data folder contents in a parent directory, like 'My Cool Mod Name/data/" rather than just '/data/'


When the MO window appears telling you that the mod author has done that, all you have to do is to select the actual '/data' folder in the mod archive as you have been doing, and make sure MO says 'looks goods' (telling you it now recognizes the directory paths for how the esp and associated mod resources should be organized).


For 'Bookcovers..', download the FOMOD installer version and a FOMOD installer will launch when you install it via MO.

Edited by ripple
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