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Hallucinagenic Skooma


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I see a few mods (there really aren't that many) that are on the nexus that change the chemical and status affects skooma has, however they don't really change much at all. The biggest affect i've seen skooma mods have is to change to a sleeping tree sap affect, which really doesn't make me want to use skooma at all since walking around when you can't see is no fun.


What i'm proposing is a skooma mod that ups the stats when initially taken, for five or ten minutes like most mods, but then withdrawal affects are much more affective than simply lowering your stats for a while. How about some hallucinations, random sounds playing, random fighting music (for paranoia affects) and maybe some ghost animals chasing and pretend-attacking you? Random people's voices would also be hilarious. Is there anyone willing to create such a mod as this?


I recently saw a very creative mod called "survive the night" and I thought these affects would be brilliant when applied to skooma withdrawal! I've been looking for a mod that changes skooma like the above suggestion for a long time. I used to love Sernomicus' skooma withdrawal mod for Oblivion.

Edited by kittie885
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