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spoonfeeding mods ?


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While browsing through utilities, I just realized how cluttered the site is becoming with for example 1111111 savegame managers

or with mods for newbies like a mod just for skse.ini file (clear registration stuff ...)

that I can at least understand even if seriously it should be easy enough for any wannabe user to do that by themselves

if it's not, I say go learn using computer, I mean mods can have bugs & stuff, you need at least a minimum of knowledge & the will to learn

spoonfeeding won't get you very far


I'm all for complicated stuff to become less bothersome but still


And then I stumbled upon this : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16135/?

and I thought ...


OMG where are we heading ? is this really considered worthy to be a "mod" ?



Ok, I don't know, I don't really want to start a flame war or anything but it's just...

I dunno

the other day I explained to some users how to close BOSS with the little red cross when it's automatically started by a skyproc patcher ...

the same little cross that exist in all f*#@ing windows in the first place -_-


I'm just wondering where all of this is heading ...

and perhaps, some filtering should be done don't you think ?

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Yup there really are people who do not have even the know how to make a shortcut. AND the worst part is they do not want to know and resent being told they should learn. Then get upset when the PC mods don't work just like their toy console (put the disk in and that's all you do). Personally I think those kind of users should stick to their toybox console and avoid playing games (or doing much of anything else) on the PC altogether. Until they are willing to take responsibility for learning enough to not be dangerous to themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, obviously the mod author managed to fill a need for someone...

What might seem out-and-out ridiculous for some can be the perfect solution for others. (Animated genitalia, anyone?)

Perhaps what we need is a "spoon" tag to filter that sort of thing out. (or in, I suppose...)

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While 'animated genitalia' may not be to everyone's gaming preference, some skill and effort is required to do the custom mesh and animations. It may not be a mod one would use, but it is still a 'mod.' A shortcut is not a Skyrim mod. It's not modifying the game in any way. Aren't there any rules about uploading files to the 'mods' section that are not actually mods? :dry:


I don't imagine 'stuff' like this and those countless 'my cool tweaked ini' type mods take up much space on the file host servers, but they do end up cluttering mod listings and searches....

Edited by ripple
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While 'animated genitalia' may not be to everyone's gaming preference, some skill and effort is required to do the custom mesh and animations. It may not be a mod one would use, but it is still a 'mod.' A shortcut is not a Skyrim mod. It's not modifying the game in any way. Aren't there any rules about uploading files to the 'mods' section that are not actually mods? :dry:


I don't imagine 'stuff' like this and those countless 'my cool tweaked ini' type mods take up much space on the file host servers, but they do end up cluttering mod listings and searches....


Well it would be classified as a utility and there is nothing wrong with that... Even if it is something as simple as this.

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