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(Tutorial) Import A Cinema 4d Model/Mesh into Geck.


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This is a Tutorial for all people who would rather use c4d than blender or 3ds max.

im just going to import a simple cube to fallout made in C4D and im going to asume that you already knwo how to UV Map

if not then here is a few links to help out.





this is a simple tutorial that is extremeley noob friendly...


ok lets get started



you will need these Programs.


C4D - http://www.maxon.net/?id=1499

Nifskope - http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope


and obviously fallout new Vegas and the Geck to mod!


Ok now when you have all that you will then need this nifskope template it has the working nif structure that works with new Vegas!




Now firstly

make a folder called Cube in the meshes folder in the fallout directory


meshes should be here 64bit

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes

or here 32 bit

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes


like this



then open up C4d start a new project by going to File/new... and


Spawn a basic cube object.





When you have the cube Selected Press "C" to Make the cube editable

you will need this for other steps...




make sure you are in Body Paint 3d Menu Like this!


this will give you the tools option at the top of the screen.




now Triangulate the shape by doing this




now the cube will have more lines on it don't worry this means you have done it right!

now export the cube as an obj object and your done with c4d!

NOTE: When saving/Exporting as an obj name the obj file "CUBE OBJ"

This will help a bit!




Now Open up a new nifskope and open up the (CUBE OBJ) in nifskope by doing this..

NOTE: This is the hardest Part.

it was for me when i was first learning nifskope.

mt nifskope might have a different layout than yours because this is my preferred layout

but all windows should be there.





the object will be in nifskope and object trees will be formed in the

"Block list window"


"Block Details window"


Now stripify the mesh

by selecting


in the block list window and going into mesh and stripify like this...




Once this is done "NiTriShape" will change into "NiTriStrips"


open it up and find "NitriStripsData" and copy it by right clicking it and going to block then copy.




(IMPORTANT!) Do not close this nifskope! minimize it! it is really important that is stays open!

Ok once you have it copied you then need to open up the template file with the working nif structure

it should be named "NifskopeTemplate" there is a link at the start of this tutorial.


once you have it opened you will notice that it is almost identical to the other nifskope where you imported the cube into

but this one has no cube inside it


you will see "NiTriStrips" again click it and right click it and paste




after pasteing you will still see no cube don't worry the cube or (NisTriStripsData) needs to be the child

of the "NiTriStrips" Branch to do this you will need to select "NiTriStrips" and in the

Block Details Window find


to the right of data there will be a "Value" Column change "Data's" Value to 5 it will by default say "None"

put in the number left to the "NiTriStripsdata" which is 5 by default as you can see here.




after that you should see the cube in the black window again only this time it will have a weird texture on it like this.

don't worry if you know how to UV map you can fix this! there is tutorials to fix at the top of the page!




Now another easy part.

Go to "File" then "Save as"

Call it Simply "Cube"

and save it into

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\Cube

like this


http://i.imgur.com/Y9Mfaog.jpg http://i.imgur.com/z5oL0xd.jpg


once this is done you are sone with nifskope "Phew... :biggrin: "

so you can close all previous programs like





now you just need to do the final steps in the almighty Garden Of Eden Creation Kit!


almost done.


in the geck open up a random and/or easy to get to cell for example "Goodsprings" where everybody puts there mods nowadays...


this is pretty simple but there is allot of steps so pay attention!


Take a Random Static Object for example the "1stPerson10mmPistol" static object the first one alphabetically.




then once it is in good springs double click it! this will open up. press the "Edit Base" Button.




Once you have pressed Edit Base

You will see the "Static Window"




When This comes up


"1stPerson10mmPistol" To "MyCube"


like this




once you have done this press the edit button




Then this will come up.

Press edit in this window too.




then it will bring up a "Select File" Window . Open and find your "Cube"

located at

\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\Cube



all you need to do is keep pressing OK on all windows.






The pistol will be changed into a Cube... once it is the game you will be able to find it as "MyCube" in the object window


if you save the game you will be able to see it in game

but you can walk through it as it has no collision mesh il find out how to make one in c4d and make another tutorial!




thanks for reading my tutorial i hope i helped out allot!


A HUGE thanks to my friend sesom who taught me how to use nifskope he made this possible!








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