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Everything posted by JustinDK

  1. Well, in theory if you unpack the LOD textures and delete the specific cells LOD it should work. In reality, however, it would likely open another can of worms. I wouldn't recommend it. If you want to try go for it, just be sure to replace or DL the file/s you remove. Otherwise you could just regenerate the whole Mojave's LOD, but that will take a good 20 days. Best bet is to find a 'tight' spot somewhere else in the Mojave where your view is obscured from multiple angles, think jacobstown or Bitter Springs (but smaller), and build there. That way you can minimize the LOD issues you encounter while approaching the area. Be sure to keep us posted, there isn't much on the forums regarding LOD, so anyone's experience tinkering with it is very valuable to the community!
  2. Well I think you can disable iron sights (eyes lol) in the options menu, no need to mod anything. As far as actually tinkering with the animations..well, there's only one way to find out. Being as there is an option in the vanilla game to disable iron sights I can only assume both animations are present. It may be as simple as changing a file path, or overly complicated, like I said I've never worked with them. Hit the wiki for some help on locating and editing those specific assets.
  3. Have you considered disabling the iron eyes aiming scheme. It will use the FO3 animations for zoom while aiming (for scope-less weapons at least). But it is all or nothing. Otherwise just replace the animations for the specific energy weapons with the FO3 versions in the NV archive. At least that's how I would approach it first. I have never actually tried. Let me know how it turns out if you try.
  4. 984 dupes on the template? Clear that. May not help but absolutely unnecessary. The load order looks fine. Which mod in particular is giving you trouble? The Katana? Be sure to unpack any compressed .bsas that came with it. Item mesh could be there just missing textures. Double check the file conventions. Sometimes an errant empty folder can trip up the game pulling assets from their intended locations. Other than that I'm as stumped as you...maybe someone else has a suggestion?
  5. Yes, we have a dozen or so custom NPCs to populate the area and are fleshing out the details for the story. The only real problem is lore, and I know I'll catch flak for it. In theory, the town lies smack in the middle of legion territory but the legion plays no role (so far...). Either way, we are going for as full a game experience as possible. Enemy variants, quests and other custom items like weapons and armors. Maybe even a couple perks. Insofar my job has been the Worldspace, I won't be more involved with the other aspects until I've finished it. When the time comes we will decide to stick with Jerome, AZ as the location - but may need to make it a fictional town in the Rockies to preserve game lore altogether. One of the team members - CaptMitch - has created a trader / companion mod called The Danielle Wagner Companion. The idea is this is where she (and her caravans) are from. Therefore, any quests will relate to her and her faction for the most part.
  6. Are you using FOMM to launch or the vanilla option? I always use the "launch with NVSE" button in FOMM, I just can't remember whether it was built in or I had to grab NVSE from the Nexus separately. I've always had mixed results with the vanilla launcher. Could be a load order problem. Have you used the BOSS tool in FOMM? It usually catches and corrects conflicts.
  7. Here are some screenshots of the water in game. Always open to suggestions and feedback!
  8. Hey! That's pretty cool! I like the sound of your mod, sounds very ballsy, and interesting! As of right now, I'm simply making this mod, for the sake of making this mod. Now I'm not saying its gonna be a piece of s***, on contrary, I want to make it jaw dropping! But in order to do that, I have to work, on my own leisure, not saying I'm gonna be lazy about it, but like you said, I want to be realistic about this, and this will take some time and dedication. Regardless, if you are needing some work on your mod, I'll be able to help some, if you like! :thumbsup: but I also gotta work on this mod, as well. Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it :wink: Best Regards! - Berlin i need landscape help if anything. I am considering "stretching" out the playable area to make better use of all the excess cells I have to deal with. Figure I have to generate the LOD for it anyway so I might as well utilize it. The 24x24 space would feel a little less cramped if it were 33x33 - which would also equate to a solid quad, leaving less flat space to eat up LOD generation time. I may also noise up the area to compensate. Plus as I play through it I realize I need to separate the settlements a little. So yeah if you want to try your hand at landscaping, maybe dropping a few statics and plants, etc. PM me and I'll get you an invite to the team Dropbox folder. I can give you some pointers on worldspace building otherwise, feel free to ask, if I can I will give you a hand.
  9. Have you considered making this a Fallout 4 mod? Hear me out...A project on this scale will likely take a minimum of two years with a team of at least 3. Once FO4 releases, interest in NV mods will have waned, leaving a smaller community to recruit from and less of a presence in the forums. Not to mention anyone wanting to play it at all. I have taken almost two years myself to complete a worldspace roughly half the size of the Mojave. It sits around 75% completion and I anticipate finishing by Thanksgiving. After that I imagine 6 months to mod completion. After this project I was planning on beginning the writing and asset creation for my own FO4 mod, set in my home city of Minneapolis. I planned on getting acquainted with the Creation Engine in the mean time, and finalizing many of the creative aspects of the project beforehand. If I have learned one thing working with the GECK in worldspace creation is the importance of planning, seeing as you want to eventually create several new, unique worldspaces I suggest waiting for FO4. The raw landscape can be generated beforehand to an extent. So, if you would be interested in that angle, let me know. A years head start on a mod before actually getting our hands dirty would make a world of difference, and a lot more realistic deadline.
  10. Son of a biscuit it could be? The water drops off right at the cell boundry. Maybe I subconciously did it that way because it is so logically simple. Thanks for the advice, if you guys want a look at the world for more pointers or advice drop me a PM and I'll get you an invite to the team Dropbox. Otherwise I look forward to the Beta feedback. - Justin
  11. There are a couple things I did to get mods working on my rig. First, if necessary move Steam, and it's corresponding game subfolders OUT of the program files directory (the default install path for Steam), and into your Home directory. I used the 'My Games' folder. Unzip and point the FOMM to this directory as well, using the default path during installation. This is to bypass UAC in Win7, which can cause problems with running mods. Win7 will not allow FOMM or the script editor access to any files in protected folders, such as program files (x86). Get the NVSE (New Vegas Script Editor), available via the Nexus. Follow the install instructions and install to default path. Once you have FOMM, NVSE, and the Steam and game files in the appropriate locations, unzip a mod, save it to your desktop or to the default WinZip path. Once the compressed mod files have unpacked to their folder destination, use the FOMM to activate the mod. FOMM will install the mod and its contents to the appropriate folders automatically. To do this, open FOMM and click "package manager", next click "create from folder". This will open a window where you can navigate to the unzipped mod folder and select it. A diologue will open showing the install progress, when it is complete you have one more step. Select the mod in the left pane of the package manager window. It should appear there once the install is finished. Make sure the check box is ticked and click "activate" in the package manager. When the dialogue stops close the package manager window and you should see the mod now displayed in FOMM with "FalloutNV.esm" at the top of the list. "Example.esp" should stay under (below) the master file (.esm). Now you should be able to click "Launch NVSE" in FOMM, and launch the game with the mod/s loaded. In the future avoid using the Steam launcher to start the game, from now on open FOMM and launch NVSE to play. I hope this helps, I see the thread is already a couple days old. Good luck - let me know if you have any other issues and I will help if I can.
  12. I want to say there is an area 51 mod out there already, have you seen or heard of it? I like the idea but think there would be limitations with the Zeta assets for the ship, there are only a limited amount of them in NV. I would begin constructing the interior of the base / hangar to get yourself familiarized with the GECK, follow the 'my first vault' tutorial. By the time you finish the navmesh you will have a grasp on working in the GECK (that aspect, at least). You can link a door to the vault or start from scratch on the rest of the base.
  13. Sounds like we are on the same page as how to approach this, but "Terrain meshes aren't generated for areas that are underneath of water. Keep that in mind." I imagine the water surface textures compensate for the lack of terrain mesh before the cell loads? I understand what you mean about the LOD water planes (I think) that they are part of the overall LOD, are you just saying the water should be permantly placed as to avoid another LOD generation - because there will be 'holes' in the LOD otherwise (where the water level was originally placed). Sounds like I am in the clear with the tree generation, from what I read I expected it to generate aditional trees randomly. I was worried I would end up spending (another) month cleaning them all out. Thanks again, much appreciated! EDIT* I forgot to clarify if I should raise the water level of the heightmap, or just the cells where the water will be within playable boundries.
  14. Alright, so I should check the generate trees option, to create the distant meshes of the trees and consumable plants I placed. It won't generate random trees within the worldspace. I assumed I would navmesh around the plants, but needed assurance I just can't remember if they persist in game after being picked. Or if they are even in the activator class for that matter. The water I am thinking of would be more of a brook than lake, but is only maybe a third of a cell in size, long, narrow and thin. Waterfall effects will just be FX trickles or drips, scaled up a bit. The lower pool will edge the cell directly north of the brook cell, and be about 20 units lower in elevation. Thus, maybe a combination of placeable water upstream and the in game water plane (under the worldspace) for the lower pool, or pond. These will actually be the lowest points in the worldspace (where the water collects), so perhaps I should bring the water level back up before LOD? I remember early in this process being warned about the water plane level, probably worry too much about it. Thanks for the quick response! I appreciate it.
  15. As I am reaching the completion point on the New Jerome worldspace I am unsure about a couple points regarding finalization. As it stands, All static items have been placed, and textures 'painted'. Before I begin the Navmesh, I need to know about activators, namely consumable pickable items like Xander root, etc... Should they be placed prior to Navmesh? Is that stuff generated by LOD? Also, LOD tree generation, whether it is necessary as I have placed static trees and plants by hand. The way I understand it, trees are randomly generated and placed during LOD generation - or are the LOD textures of the static trees being regenerated, replacing the vanilla LOD textures for said object. Does that make sense? Finally, placeable water. I want two cells with varied water level, a small waterfall and pool specifically. Is this possible? Is it worth the hassle? I can't find a specific instance of someone trying it in the forums or online. Thanks for having a look, please enlighten me oh wise sages.
  16. Creating a clone of the GR interior and placing a few of the NPCs with friendly versions would be easiest. Set all of the container ownership and etc to 'player', and come up with some sort of story that leads to activating that cloned interior in place of the vanilla version. As far as the exterior, I imagine you would only need to alter the faction / ownership of gates into the complex, I can't remember if any NPCs patrol the exterior. For the merchant, I would assume you need to come up with a new AI script to follow after you take over. That isn't my forte though, just a suggestion. Good Luck.
  17. I'm still here, plugging away. It's summer time so I imagine it will seem more quiet than usual. :cool:
  18. I haven't seen any, the static kit pieces in those pics (beside a similar entrance ramp) aren't included in the NV archive. However, there are some tunnel like pieces that could be used to emulate the look as well as possible. Maybe a hillside monorail station? The project I am working on will likely have a half dozen, but I have yet to really work on any interior spaces. I will keep you posted.
  19. I see that sounds exactly like what is happening to mine. Could have something to do with bounds or room portals - not being able to render / cull the cell properly, if you do not encounter the issue when scaling a single piece I would just stick to that method. This limits your view port into the water to one angle in the dry area though, achieving a second or third wall 'looking out' into the water will require individual placed water per wall. I am not aware of any way to displace water from an interior cell, while keeping the exterior dimensions flooded. Keep this in mind while going ahead.
  20. Just thought I would point out "hausome's images are not publicly available." Was wanting to check out the images wish I could contribute. Best of luck! :thumbsup: Crap! I'm on it! Try again in a few!
  21. Hi guys. A while back I had posted looking for some volunteers to help with a mod project I had envisioned, due to a lack of general information I received few replies. Since then, I've been hard at work along with CaptMitch, Bloodtears and colonelRick with the project. We are still looking for help in the landscaping and world building area, someone who can manipulate the landscape and is comfortable working with the landscape editor. Knowledge of SCOL building, and other creative processes with statics is essential. The hard work is done, all wilderness cells have been generated and now just require "painting" and populating with statics. A good portion of the area will stay "wild", dotted with small ghost towns and mines, The dense urban areas are almost complete, but still have room for modifications, but the area outside of town is the main priority now. There are about 20-25 cells out of roughly 50 that still need work. Most of the scripting and NPC development is under control, so we are not in need of creatives in that department. Some of CaptMitch's AI scripts are incredible, and the main storyline and quest components really compliment them. ColonelRick and Bloodtears have also developed much of the custom armors and other textures. If you feel like you could contribute on those levels I can get you in touch with one of them. As it stands, I am looking for help with my part of the project in particular. I think that is it, follow this link to see some screenshots of the project so far. *EDIT updated link to public gallery.
  22. Hmmm, what directory is steam installed in? UAC won't give read / write permissions to protected directories, such as the default installation path the steam loader uses. In turn you will have trouble installing mods.
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