IsharaMeradin Posted June 13, 2021 Share Posted June 13, 2021 Seeing the code actually helps. Have you tried activating the "weapon rack" imbedded in the display case? When a weapon is in a rack, doesn't the player take the weapon when activating it? So.. instead of trying to add / move the item into the player's inventory, just activate the rack again. At least worth testing to see what happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiziano74 Posted June 13, 2021 Author Share Posted June 13, 2021 (edited) Seeing the code actually helps. Have you tried activating the "weapon rack" imbedded in the display case? When a weapon is in a rack, doesn't the player take the weapon when activating it? So.. instead of trying to add / move the item into the player's inventory, just activate the rack again. At least worth testing to see what happens. Yes, it was the first thing I thought about, if activated the first time it puts the weapon inside the display case, in theory activating it when the weapon is already inside the display case it should remove it, as it normally does, instead it always activates the first action only to insert the weapon in the display case...The script was like the following and it dsn't work as i would (i've changed the Teca.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) with Teca.SetOpen(1 and 0) to make it more comprensible) If aiButton == 1 If CheckArmaEsposta == 1 Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) CheckArmaEsposta = 0 Else Debug.MessageBox("La teca è vuota") EndIf EndIf Edited June 13, 2021 by Tiziano74 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiziano74 Posted June 13, 2021 Author Share Posted June 13, 2021 (edited) OKI've solved so, but id really like to find a way to remove the weapon from the display case by script . . . I made 2 triggers, the 1st one that activate the menu and the 2nd one that when left reanable the 1st oneI've decided also to not check if inside the display case i've put the weapon (the Player can see it by himself), btw does exist a different metod to chech if the display case is empty or not? In the 1st trigger i've put this script: Scriptname QLH_Teca_Arma_Thane_script_01 extends ObjectReference Quest Property QuestThane Auto Int Property Stage AutoString Property NomeCitta AutoActor Property PlayerRef AutoObjectReference Property Espositore AutoObjectReference Property CollisionMarker AutoObjectReference Property TriggerChiudiTeca AutoObjectReference Property Teca AutoObjectReference Property XMarkerHeadingPortale AutoMessage Property MenuTeca AutoWeapon ArmaSinistraWeapon ArmaDestraWeapon ArmaEspostaEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If (QuestThane.GetStageDone(Stage)) Menu() Else Debug.MessageBox("In questa teca potrai esporre l'arma che ti sarà donata dallo Jarl di " + NomeCitta + " quando ti nominerà Thane, ed attivare il Portale per " + NomeCitta + ", ma non sei ancora stato nominato Thane di " + NomeCitta) EndIfEndEventFunction Menu(int aiButton = 0) aiButton = If aiButton == 0 ArmaSinistra = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(True) as Weapon ArmaDestra = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon() as Weapon If (ArmaSinistra == "None") && (ArmaDestra == "None") Debug.MessageBox("Devi avere l'arma equipaggiata per poterla esporre") ElseIf (ArmaSinistra != "None") && (ArmaDestra != "None") Debug.MessageBox("Hai 2 armi diverse equipaggiate, puoi equipaggiarne solo una da esporre") ElseIf (ArmaSinistra != "None") && (ArmaDestra == "None") ArmaEsposta = ArmaSinistra as Weapon Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) ElseIf (ArmaSinistra == "None") && (ArmaDestra != "None") ArmaEsposta = ArmaDestra as Weapon Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) EndIf EndIf If aiButton == 1 Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) CollisionMarker.Disable() TriggerChiudiTeca.Enable() Self.Disable() Debug.MessageBox("La teca è stata sbloccata. Ora puoi prendere l'arma al suo interno.") EndIf If aiButton == 2 Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(XMarkerHeadingPortale) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(XMarkerHeadingPortale) EndIfEndFunction In the 2nd trigger i've put this one: Scriptname QLH_Chiusura_Teca_Arma_Th_script_01 extends ObjectReference Actor Property PlayerRef AutoObjectReference Property CollisionMarker AutoObjectReference Property Teca AutoObjectReference Property TriggerMenu AutoEvent OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef) Teca.SetOpen(0) Utility.Wait(0) CollisionMarker.Enable() TriggerMenu.Enable() Self.Disable()EndEvent If anyone has a better idea please let me know!Really thanks Ishara for the help! Edited June 13, 2021 by Tiziano74 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted June 13, 2021 Share Posted June 13, 2021 This assumes that the script on your weapon rack is: WeaponRackActivateSCRIPTAccess the hidden property PlayersDroppedWeapon on the previously mentioned script. You should then be able to use AddItem to move the weapon to the player inventory. In the empty state where you define properties add this:WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT WRAScript Before calling the menu in the OnActivate event add this:WRAScript = Espositore as WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT Then when wanting to get the weapon from the rack use this:PlayerRef.AddItem(WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon) This, of course, assumes that you do not have a mod which drastically changes the stock WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT. I know that the unofficial patch has a variant of the script, so you'll need to investigate if the property is still in use on that version. When you tried AddItem before, it was using the base object as opposed to the specific object reference. This is why it was creating a new instance in the inventory rather than moving it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiziano74 Posted June 13, 2021 Author Share Posted June 13, 2021 (edited) This assumes that the script on your weapon rack is: WeaponRackActivateSCRIPTAccess the hidden property PlayersDroppedWeapon on the previously mentioned script. You should then be able to use AddItem to move the weapon to the player inventory. In the empty state where you define properties add this:WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT WRAScript Before calling the menu in the OnActivate event add this:WRAScript = Espositore as WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT Then when wanting to get the weapon from the rack use this:PlayerRef.AddItem(WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon) This, of course, assumes that you do not have a mod which drastically changes the stock WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT. I know that the unofficial patch has a variant of the script, so you'll need to investigate if the property is still in use on that version. When you tried AddItem before, it was using the base object as opposed to the specific object reference. This is why it was creating a new instance in the inventory rather than moving it.WOW!!!!Thanks really!!!I have the last USSEP installed and the script WORKS!!What if id like to know if the Display Case is empty or not? BTW this is the last script: Scriptname QLH_Teca_Arma_Thane_script_01 extends ObjectReference Quest Property QuestThane Auto Int Property Stage AutoString Property NomeCitta AutoActor Property PlayerRef AutoObjectReference Property Espositore AutoObjectReference Property Teca AutoObjectReference Property XMarkerHeadingPortale AutoMessage Property MenuTeca Auto Weapon ArmaSinistraWeapon ArmaDestraWeapon ArmaEsposta WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT WRAScript Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If (QuestThane.GetStageDone(Stage)) WRAScript = Espositore as WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT Menu() Else Debug.MessageBox("In questa teca potrai esporre l'arma che ti sarà donata dallo Jarl di " + NomeCitta + " quando ti nominerà Thane, ed attivare il Portale per " + NomeCitta + ", ma non sei ancora stato nominato Thane di " + NomeCitta) EndIfEndEvent Function Menu(int aiButton = 0) aiButton = If aiButton == 0 ArmaSinistra = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(True) as Weapon ArmaDestra = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon() as Weapon If (ArmaSinistra == "None") && (ArmaDestra == "None") Debug.MessageBox("Devi avere l'arma equipaggiata per poterla esporre") ElseIf (ArmaSinistra != "None") && (ArmaDestra != "None") Debug.MessageBox("Hai 2 armi diverse equipaggiate, puoi equipaggiarne solo una da esporre") ElseIf (ArmaSinistra != "None") && (ArmaDestra == "None") ArmaEsposta = ArmaSinistra as Weapon Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) ElseIf (ArmaSinistra == "None") && (ArmaDestra != "None") ArmaEsposta = ArmaDestra as Weapon Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) EndIf EndIf If aiButton == 1 Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) PlayerRef.AddItem(WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) EndIf If aiButton == 2 Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(XMarkerHeadingPortale) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(XMarkerHeadingPortale) EndIfEndFunction Edited June 13, 2021 by Tiziano74 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted June 13, 2021 Share Posted June 13, 2021 To check if it is empty, check the status of the PlayersDroppedWeapon If WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon ;a valid object is assigned, display must have a weapon ;do something Else ;do something else EndIf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiziano74 Posted June 14, 2021 Author Share Posted June 14, 2021 To check if it is empty, check the status of the PlayersDroppedWeapon If WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon ;a valid object is assigned, display must have a weapon ;do something Else ;do something else EndIfPerfect!!THANKS!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted June 14, 2021 Share Posted June 14, 2021 I just looked at the script, what I posted earlier will only work when the display is empty to begin with. The WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT never empties the property. It only updates the value when a new weapon is displayed. You'll have to call is3dLoaded on the weapon instance instead. Since the weapon's 3D cannot be loaded when in inventory or a container, it will always be false when the display is empty. If WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon ;valid object -- check if display is full If WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon.is3dLoaded() ;weapons 3d is loaded display is full ;do something Else ;weapons 3d is not loaded display is empty ;do something else EndIf Else ;not a valid object -- display is empty ;do some other thing EndIf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiziano74 Posted June 15, 2021 Author Share Posted June 15, 2021 Thanks again! Now that the SKSE finally works, i'm going to check the name of the weapon displayed, because is a random generated one, but the name is always the same, so i can check if is exactly the Riften Sword If aiButton == 0 ArmaSinistra = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(True) as Weapon ArmaDestra = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon() as Weapon If (ArmaSinistra == "None") && (ArmaDestra == "None") Debug.MessageBox("Devi avere l'arma equipaggiata per poterla esporre") ElseIf WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon If WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon.is3dLoaded() Debug.MessageBox("C'è già un'arma esposta nella teca!") EndIf ElseIf (ArmaSinistra != "None") && (ArmaDestra != "None") Debug.MessageBox("Hai 2 armi diverse equipaggiate, puoi equipaggiarne solo una da esporre") ElseIf (ArmaSinistra != "None") && (ArmaDestra == "None") ArmaEsposta = ArmaSinistra as Weapon Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Utility.Wait(1) Teca.SetOpen(0) ElseIf (ArmaSinistra == "None") && (ArmaDestra != "None") ArmaEsposta = ArmaDestra as Weapon Teca.SetOpen(1) Utility.Wait(1) Espositore.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Teca.SetOpen(0) Utility.Wait(1) NomeArmaEsposta = ArmaEsposta.GetName() Debug.MessageBox("Hai esposto: " + NomeArmaEsposta) If AttivazionePortale != 1 Debug.MessageBox("Congratulazioni Thane di " + NomeCitta + "! Da ora in poi puoi teletrasportarti direttamente a " + NomeCitta + " utilizzando il Portale nel menu di questa teca!") AttivazionePortale = 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiziano74 Posted June 15, 2021 Author Share Posted June 15, 2021 (edited) Hi againAnother issueNow i want to check if in the Name of the displayed weapon there is the string "Rift", to identify that the weapon being displayed is the one given by the Jarl to the player. To identify the weapon's name i used this code String NomeArmaEsposta = WRAScript.PlayersDroppedWeapon.GetBaseObject().GetName() To check if "Rift" is in the weapon's name i used this one, and then I would have introduced an If Int ControlloNomeArmaEsposta = StringUtil.Find(NomeArmaEsposta, "Rift") I made a check on the NomeArmaEsposta with a debug.messagebox and NomeArmaEsposta doesn't take the real name of the weapon "Blade of the Rift" but it takes the base name of the random created weapon (for example) "Iron Sword of Souls" :dry:I put the check after the Menu function, so as to be sure, at least I thought, that the name of the weapon was correct.How can i have the reall weapon's name? Edited June 15, 2021 by Tiziano74 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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