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Advice on grey area


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I've been playing Skyrim off and on for awhile now, using mods of others and sometimes tweaking them slightly for personal tastes, otherwise just modding for fun etc. Lately though I put together a follower I wouldn't mind sharing since it seems no one else has, though maybe for good reason.


The follower uses the components from Mithra/FFRace (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8895//?), among others, but the reason I'm detailing this one is looking into its history, the author seems to not be around? This other mod/fix was released (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33981//?) modifying the esp, with I assume no contact to the author since the last several posts on the original mod have been user only, helping each other.


I did not write this to get the author or the fix singled out, but only as an example of why I'm curious of the grey area for these forums. Unless of course there was actual contact, though it doesn't seem so.


Beyond that, to clear the rest of my confusion if that ends up being ok, I was hoping to get an idea of the wording some people used for their permissions... (of course crediting them all, no doubt)


UNP Body - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709//?

"ALL my mods are now FREE TO MOD,since I am unreacheable."

So is this one clear to use without PM?


Innerwear - Original http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15529//?

Underwear Ver http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16757//?

Original "Please use this MOD freely."

So again, alright or do I need to PM?


Eyes of Beauty - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13722//?

Perm's have asset use permission checked with note saying to just credit, so good to go?


Apachii Hair - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10168//?

I didn't see anything within the description and the perm's say for a PM, so I assume PM them and hope they check? lol


XP32 Skel - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800//?

"Permissions: You 100% have my full permission to use this skeleton to create custom clothing, animations, etc. In fact I'm practically begging you to do so. So please, use it, publish it, and enjoy."


While I'm not creating a custom mesh etc, its the skeleton I had within my data files on creation, and nice to use with other mods I won't be listing, save for maybe recommendations. So I assume its good to go though here.



For a lot of you this probably everyday stuff though being the new guy and only a lite mod using others work I wanted to be sure, and didn't really see any set pages on this kinda stuff.


Thanks in advance.




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If mod authors make their mod page correctly they'll fill in a detailed section about permissions, which can be found if you click the link (highlighted with the green box)...




You'll see when you click this that this particular mod has "limited" permissions.


As for the other mods you've mentioned from UNP onward, I'd read those comments and statements as: yes you can use and release assets from these mods within your mod - but with 2 exceptions...


Eyes of Beauty - you can still use the assets but you'll need to credit the mod author on your mod page

Apachii Hair - again, if you click on the permissions tab you'll see a load of stuff that basically says: no unless you get permission from a shed load of people.


On a final note - if mod authors remain registered Nexus members then I believe permission rulings always apply, however if a mod author gets banned then this is a grey area which you'll need to exercise some,..ahem..cough..discretion.

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Aye I was aware of the perm's tab on the pages. I was just making sure with the description 'free to blah blah' stuff. As for the Mithra mod, I only raising the question since the person seems to be gone and others were still using off it, so questioning I suppose if there was an abandonment time frame or the like.


Thanks for the reply though, all in all guess I'll just keep the little project to myself.

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