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Adjusting Rested Bonus


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Okay so this is my first post and I tried to place it in the right place but I'm not 100% sure so I figured I'd try the general discussion board. Okay so here's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to increase the rested and well rested bonuses. As you know, they make your skills level faster by 5 or 10%. I want to know if there's a way to increase that percentage in the creation kit or something. Thanks for the help!
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I found it the other day, and I THOUGHT I found the answer but no matter how I changed the value, it didn't change. This is how I'm measuring it. On default, the normal non edited game, I'm really close to leveling up in archery. 2 hits on a target and I go up to like level 28 or something. But when I adjust the perk, no matter how high or low I set it, it's always 2 shots to level. It doesn't seem to affect it. Here's an attached pic to show what I'm messing with. Hopefully I'm just changing the wrong value and you can enlighten me.




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Okay...something really weird happened. I just tried it again while waiting for another response from you guys. Did the EXACT same thing I've been doing, adjusting that value because I just couldn't understand why it wasn't working. I set the value as high as I possibly could. Just like I did last night. I summoned a guard and decided to pickpocket him. Logically, I should jump many levels. And I did. Tried sneaking. Two steps and I just many levels. So now it's working. The ONLY thing I did was I changed the perk to make my spells consume no magicka. Just to see if that worked. And it did. So I reset the perk to do what it's supposed to. I don't know if that made it work or what, but for some reason it's working now. Sorry for the useless topic, but thanks for the help anyway!

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