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Trying to combine two mods.


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I just cant seem to figure it out, is there some trick to it ?


I tried checking multiple mod boxes in the GECK, and though that worked the mods seem to have been split after I had made the changes, any reference to the new armour i tried applying was gone.


What am i doing wrong ? Can anyone help me out ?\


Thanks !

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Combine mods? You can't.


The only way to do it. Is this:


1) open both mods, but select none as active

2) find all the items,npcs, things added by both mods.

3) change each thing slightly, so it gets an asterix by its name

4) save as a new mod


And thats about the only way to do it, long and not easy.


When you open mods in the geck, you set one as active, the others are ONLY resources, meaning they won't be saved into the active mod unless you CHANGE them so the GECK thinks they are new.

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the TESsnip method works pretty good if you know what you're doing too.


open FOMM click the "plugin Editor" button for each mod you want to work with. then copy & paste as needed.


you still should run the tweaked mod through Geck afterwards though

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Excellent, thank you sir, this helps alot !


Edit: Yup. the plugin manager method works, i got the achilles rifle into a mercenary mod.


This is great, now i can combine simple mods, like armour or weapon add-ons, to other mods, awesome !


Thanks so much for the help guys !

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