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Iventory Book Issue


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I've been having this issue that happens every time I'm done reading a note or book. Once I have closed the book or are done reading a note, my inventory seems to freeze and I cannot select or mouse over any other items. If I do click the screen, however, this fixes it. I know this isn't a huge problem, but is there anyway I can fix this? Maybe have you experienced it? I have found out that this only seems to happen when I click the book to read it instead of pressing E to read.

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No idea honestly... however have you installed anything that might influence your mouse in game or some alt-tab mouse remover or such? Maybe... who knows...

Never heard of something like this, cannot find anything on google either :\ Did this start after installing a certain mod? Maybe you can track back the time when it started (give or take) and see in your mod manager what you installed/uninstalled after that date... maybe something that might be related pops up

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Well then, see if disabling it helps.... you can easily identify it...


keep the mod enabled and open a save game which doesn't "know" that mod... open a book and see if it shows the same behavior. If it does then, quit & do not save game, disable the mod, open the very same save again and see if it returns to normal.

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