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CBBEv3 with gaps at the hips


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I'm sure this is a common problem. Caliente's FAQ explains why that happens (incompatible textures) but I have no idea what mods give textures and what mods give body changes. Everything was working fine until I installed XPMS and uninstalling it doesn't revert back.

Any suggestions?

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Okay so here's the deal. CBBE and UNP textures (governs how the skin looks) are a bit different just like the meshes (the shape of the body). So if you use a texture labelled to use with UNP on a CBBE mesh, it'll look wonky. Same thing the other way around. You can use Caliente's official textures or any that specifically says that it's for CBBE. Basically you're looking for 'Skin' mods, and there are several out there that would do nicely, just do a little searching and you'll find something you like.

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Well, I was wrong... It didn't work at all. I downloaded (NSFW) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6554//? and I'm getting the same results. I've tried reinstalling CBBEv3 with NMM but I'm getting the same results still. Does CBBE add a custom skeleton that I don't have? If I deleted my Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female/ folder (contains skeleton_female and skeletonbeast_female), would that revert to vanilla skeleton?

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CBBE does not add custom skeletons. It just adds meshes/textures.

Navetsea's mod is known to cause issues, so I'd recommend not using it. The CBBE Compatible Files thread has a large list of compatible texture mods if you don't like the default ones.

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