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ENB Depth of Field and the sky


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I've recently gotten back into Skyrim and have modded the crap out of it - and I love it! Only one complaint though, and that's with Realvision ENB. When I'm walking around, what ever the crosshair is on it will focus on that, which is great.


During the day, if I am looking at some object nearby or on the ground the sky has a nice level of blurring that gives it the impression of being very far away which is great. But at night, the DoF blurs the sky so much that the stars almost completely disappear. Kind of ruins the immersion when the sky goes from completely dark to bright stars when I look around. I'm wondering if there is a way to mitigate this problem.

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Best to ask the author of RealVision ENB, he/she would know best about his/her code.

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Hi, and welcome to the forums.


There's a few things that can be done - some easy and some not....


1) Try another enbeffectprepass.fx file (this is the one that contains DOF code) - I see there are alternatives in there so perhaps give them a try if not done so already. You can also use the same file from other ENB presets - they're interchangable so you could experiment with that.


2) If the other DOF files don't produce the result you want you'll be able to reduce the DOF effect to a point where you don't lose star clarity - but this will be a global change (all times of day and night) so you'll need to make a comprimise here. I've had a quick look at the DOF file and it's one I haven't seen before so I can't state right now which line / value to adjust. If no-one else comes up with the result when I wake up tomorrow then I'll have a proper look at it.


3) The "base" lighting mod may be able to have the stars adjusted so they're brighter, therefore don't get lost as much in the DOF effect, but this again is another comprimise and it'll need a LOT of work to pull of as there's loads of different nights in CoT.

Edited by LargeStyle
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@ Prod80 - didn't know about this addon feature so thanks for the heads up.


@ max420 - going to be busy again today so I'll await your request to have the DOF scale reduced value(s) investigated before I spend time on it.

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