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Weird and irritating movement speed bug


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I have a bug in my game that I am having a hard time stepping on. The problem is that I am running way too fast! I am running at probably twice the normal movement speed and it's getting irritating. It started when I was attacked by a frost mage. Y'know that slowing effect that frostbite has on you? Well, after I killed the mage and the effect wore off, I was left running faster than a speeding bullet, and clearing the firepit in the middle of Dragonsreach with a single bound. This has happened before to me, but stopped after a while (I seem to remember it stopping when I died, but I do not know for certain; it seemed rather inconsequential at the time, leaving me just saying 'That was wierd' and moving on). I tried fast-travelling, dyeing, entering a building, crouching (which, by the way, is still a bit faster than normal running speed), poking around in SkyUI MCM, and quitting to desktop and restarting. Needless to say, nothing worked. It's getting irritating. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

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see what the following console commands return:


Player.GetAV SpeedMult

Player.GetBaseAV SpeedMult


If the two don't return 100, then:


Player.SetAV SpeedMult 100

if it still doesn't return 100 after that console command, mess around with:


Player.ModAv SpeedMult X

until your speedmult = 100

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  • 1 year later...

hi to everyone.
i got this bug/glitch today and after a few tries with the cheats and consol as obove written which diddnt work i tried some things by my own... but as i crouched/sneaked and did that barrel rol (that one in the sneak-perklist) my movementspeed returned normal.

i dont know if someone is still having problems with this, but if yes i hope it helped...
maybe its also just pressing the "run" button while crouching/sneaking.

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