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A Little Help with ENB and Anti-Aliasing ?


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So, apparently ENB mods use some type of anti-aliasing. That's nice, but for some reason I'm not seeing it. My preset of choice is wolfstryder's very own Quietcool ENB. The first time I turned on the game with it, after the annotations I got this red text reading "Hardware AA detected. Quality reduced and some features turned off" or something along those lines. "Well, I'm not gonna settle for less quality," I declared to myself! So, after some time of monkeying around with the AA settings on the Skyrim launcher and my Nvidia Control Panel, I just turn it all off. I start the game again, and Hey! I don't see that red message! I rub my hands together in anticipation as my game loads, and when it finally finishes, sweet Zombie Jesus! Everything was so blocky and jagged, It was like Pablo friggin' Picasso was was Bethesda's concept artist. Am I doing something wrong, here? Is there some tinkering I forgot to do in the ENB files themselves? Thanks in advance.

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Basically, no you're not doing anything wrong.


As of ENB v121212 (I think) onwards you'll get that red text appearing on game startup if you have any level of MSAA enabled. If that occurs then you'll lose the SSAO feature of ENB. Either way, QuietCool ENB uses a much later ENB version so this is definitely the case and it has ENBs own AA method turned on by default. However I've heard very little about ENBs AA here on the forums, and when I have heard of it, people don't use it as it apparently causes too much overall blur. To disable it open the enbseries.ini file and adjust the section...


...and set true to false - save the file and it's disabled.
I don't know why MSAA and ENBs SSAO don't play well together, but it seems your choices and way forward are:
- You could either stay with the later ENB version and experience any optimisations that those versions bring while losing MSAA to gain ENB SSAO,
- Stay with the later ENBs and lose SSAO to gain MSAA
- Revert to an older ENB preset and mod that does support both SSAO and MSAA at the same time which will be ENB v0.119 or earlier.
Edited by LargeStyle
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