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no i knew exactly what you meant. hence i said "a bunch of gamers teamed up"...how do you think they got that award. it was a voting poll i believe. gamers are a very outspoken community, more so then those who would get ripped off by a bank or something.


you can argue all you want, but EA is by far not the worst company in America. it makes no sense that a Gaming company could be. as i said, the worst they can do is DRM their games. that cant cause you to be homeless, they cant cause you to lose hundreds or thousands of dollars (through their own actions that is) they have no effect on anything outside of themselves.

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Yeah the "EA is worse than Bank of America!" garbage is idiotic really. My friend lost his house because of them. This is worse than a bad ending for a video game (however I agree ME3's ending was horrible) and SimCity's servers not working. It's more than an escape from reality, it IS reality. I just really hate the arrogance of "ea is sooo bad worse than anyone else" because it's just stupid.


Now I'm in a bad mood :dry:

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plus as far as i know not everything in BF3 is destructable, whereas all buildings and most objects were in BFBC2. as far as i know, this is the same in BF4. you may be able to take down a skyscraper, but some other things you cant. plus many people are spouting its a scripted building collapse. meaning its meant to be destroyed, and could be the only skyscraper in the game that collapses, granted this is all speculation. but that this point, where the graphics in the game are at its limit, the only thing left to do is allow total destruction of buildings. i did notice that someone blew up a tank from underneath it in the subway, which also blew a hole in the roof of the subway allowing access to the street.



Sure, most buildings and things were destructible in BC2, but you then have to realise that it was the same 3 buildings copied and pasted everywhere, on every map.

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I just really hate the arrogance of "ea is sooo bad worse than anyone else" because it's just stupid.

my point exactly




plus as far as i know not everything in BF3 is destructable, whereas all buildings and most objects were in BFBC2. as far as i know, this is the same in BF4. you may be able to take down a skyscraper, but some other things you cant. plus many people are spouting its a scripted building collapse. meaning its meant to be destroyed, and could be the only skyscraper in the game that collapses, granted this is all speculation. but that this point, where the graphics in the game are at its limit, the only thing left to do is allow total destruction of buildings. i did notice that someone blew up a tank from underneath it in the subway, which also blew a hole in the roof of the subway allowing access to the street.



Sure, most buildings and things were destructible in BC2, but you then have to realise that it was the same 3 buildings copied and pasted everywhere, on every map.


ok thats true. but theyve come a car way since BC2, at this point they should be able to make non copy/paste destructable buildings! to just make certain buildings collapse better and whatnot, doesnt cut it with me. i dont see that as an advancement.

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