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A type of mod is not working for me.


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There are several modes that make all females use female walk animations, but non of them seem to work for me. I install them like any other mods, but Lydia still does that ape walk.


the mods say they switch the walk animations from male to female for these characters:

-Orcs, including the player
- The 3 housecarls, Lydia, Iona and Jordis the Sword-Maiden
- Irileth
- Delphine
- Imperial/stormcloak guards
- Female thalmor

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I don't remember exactly how it happened but I have my C:/. . ./Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim folder and my D:/Bethesda Softworks/Skyrim folder, the C drive has the exe files while the D drive has half of my mods. I think it has something to do with settings I have set up in NMM.

Animations ONLY register if I have them in the meshes/actor/character/animations folder that my Skyrim.exe is in (in this case it's C drive), but I've noticed that NMM has installed things like armor mods in my D drive folder.


If you have two folders like I do, try to copy the animation files to the other folder and see if it registers.

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