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Remove Light Sources


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I was reading some comments on a pic from ESO which said "I’m hoping it won’t be a repeat of Skyrim where every single dark corner of every dungeon, some of which haven’t seen visitors in centuries, were filled with hundreds of freshly-lit candles." So I thought, what if someone made a mod that removed fires from places like Nordic Crypts, which haven't seen life in a long, long time. It would probably take a while, but it would finally give some use to torches/magelights.

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An extremely easy and time consuming project. If you have the time to do this, it's very simple.

  • Open the Creation Kit and navigate to the zone you would like to change; say Bleakfalls Barrow.
  • Find the candles and either change them to their non lit equivalents, or delete them all together.
  • Be sure to have markers toggled on (m) so that you can see any light sources and remove them too.

..and you're done.. one down, 40,000 remaining. If I were doing this mod myself, I'd release it in stages, as the creator of better towns did. For example; 'Dark Corners of Skyrim; Bleakfalls Barrow', 'Dark Corners of Skyrim; Highgate Ruins' etc..



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