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Little help


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Hey all, in the past i know there was a way through some mods that you could correct an issue that I'm running into but I can't remember the mods names. Here is my issue, I'm using the mod Winter is coming to create cloaks and armored hoods, the problem is this one of the items needed to make the armored hood is an steel helmet which with my current skill level the armor value is at 80 after I make the armored hood the armor value goes down to 22. Anyone know how to correct this issue so that your hood ends up with the value of armor that it should have is at least 80 of the steel helm?

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thanks for the information, it is appreciated. But I have a confession i'm a computer moron. I looked over that tool, and the videos on the download page at it just confused me more. I know that there was a few mods created in the past that worked with immersive armors to merge the leveled lists with the vanilla gear so they were in line with each other merging up the armor values to what would be logical ie leather then steel and so on. But I can't remember those mods names for the life of me.

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Does some stuff with Leveled lists and enchanting for a few mods


You can modify armors values as well in it I think. I dont have experience with it tho.

Gotta love lootification, but its a bit overkill for this particular request.


anyways @ the OP:

get TES5edit

run the program


find the mod that adds the armored hoods and make sure its checked.

find that mod again once tes5edit has loaded your load order.

find the armor section in that mod

find your hood in that section and click it

then find the armor rating on the righthand side.

then edit the armor rating and save and you are done.

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