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Cant save game at all


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Hi, sorry if this has been up before, but I searched and didn't find any solution. And note that Im not native to English, Ill try to be as clear as I can :)


Yesterday I went online on steam and downloaded the creationkit. I just checked how it looked and then closed it down. And now today I cant save at all in skyrim. All my gaming hours from yesterday are completely gone, there are no autosaves though they should be since they are enabled in the settings, no quicksaves. And when I try to just save nothing happens, if I save over a older save it all disappears instead. I have no problem with playing the game, all mods are working. Its just that I cant save. Have anyone had this kind of trouble and can give me a tip? This is really confusing to say the least.


Have a nice day everyone :)

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I think one possiblility is that when you downloaded the CK, steam also helpfully either:

1.Downloaded a patch to Skyrim, or,

2. Reverted your ini. and prefs.ini back to their default.


In the former case, you may just have to start a new game. ALthough you might try a system restore to before you downloaded the CK.

In the latter case, you may be able to revert the .ini files to the way you had them set up before Steam "helped"--much easier of you have a backup for that.

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