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Who is the oldest living person in skyrim or general elderscrolls


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She's the Hero of Kvatch, the Champion of Cyrodiil, and the new Sheogorath ... that is if you believe her when she (as a he) says, "You can call me Ann Marie." (S)he might be joking.


(I hope the original Ann Marie is still in there but wearing the Sheogorath persona for official duties. It would suck for her to save the world from Oblivion then do all that work in the Shivering Isles only to have her persona wiped and rewritten.)

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Divayth Fyr of The great house Telvanni, or perhaps the dwarf in his Corprusarium


I was going to suggest Fyr...though by the events of Skyrim, he's nowhere to be found, suggesting he went down with the rest of Vvardenfell when Red Mountain went BOOM.


That said, if we go by current timeline in the TES universe...Master Neloth.

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  • 3 years later...
Dragons and then Knight-Paladin Gelebor or Divayth Fyr. We know that Divayth Fyr is most likely from the early first era but Gelebor is possibly from late merethic. Although at that point the difference of a few hundred years is kinda like splitting hairs. :/
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Divayth Fyr specifically mentions that some of the Mage Lords of Summerset may be older than him. And he also notes he wasn't alive when the Dwemer disappeared, which would make Yagrum Bagarn older by default. You also have Orgnum, kind of the Maormer, who was alive in the mid Mereithic Era, making him several thousand years older than Fyr.


Gelebor is unclear, as he may not even be alive, and Miraak can't really be counted since he spent most of his time outside of Mundus, and wouldn't have been affected by time in the conventional sense (he could be a lot older, or a lot younger, or the same age... depends on the whims of Mora). Ascended beings are also difficult to judge, as some, such as the Eternal Masters, could in fact be considerably older than Mundus, having escaped into Oblivion from previous Kalpas.


Individuals like Tiber Septim, the Champion of Cyrodiil, the Nerevarine, even Master Neloth, barely even make the long list though. There are a lot of old, batty wizards in general...

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