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So TESO now claims to be the next chapter in the elder scrolls saga th

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MMO's are part obsessively-controlled and carefully managed gameplay, part large, open world sandbox. ZeniMax / BGS / whoever makes TES and Fallout games puts all the competition to shame on the "open world" part of the equation. I won't say, "TESO sucks," until it actually sucks, even if I don't like MMO's. What if it doesn't suck? (From watching others play it I thought WoW sucked, if that helps as a reference point.)

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all I can say is... i'll see how it goes. I just have trouble seeing how an mmo of the elder scrolls can live up to the rest of the games in the series. imho, everything that makes a tes game tes is destroyed by turning it into an mmo.

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so this video was released at E3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHj5VvFWbtE&feature=youtu.be and i actually hate them for claiming to be the "next chapter" I see them as more like fanfiction or some love child of WOW and TES


So I'm wondering what the community thinks


It is suppose to be a chapter in the past like if you were doing a remake of Arena. It is not suppose to be the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls, just a prequel of the games we have already played.

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so this video was released at E3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHj5VvFWbtE&feature=youtu.be and i actually hate them for claiming to be the "next chapter" I see them as more like fanfiction or some love child of WOW and TES


So I'm wondering what the community thinks


It is suppose to be a chapter in the past like if you were doing a remake of Arena. It is not suppose to be the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls, just a prequel of the games we have already played.



Well for me the game doesn't really "count" towards the other games like morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim since it's being made by zenimax with minimal involvement from bethesda

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I wonder what the expectation is for the advertisements about TESO? Was the expectation that they'd advertise by saying its going to ruin the TES Series or what? Its just advertising. Could care less if they called it the "Ultimate" TES game or whatever word/wording they want - what the advertisements say doesn't matter.


Its new and different and hopefully gives some of the same feeling as other TES games when playing it, even if its a MMO. Don't even care that its a MMO, I'm already in a group with 8 others that are ready to start playing when its available. If its fun to play, I'll play it - if not I'll stop.


I just hope its expensive enough to keep the riff raff out.

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so this video was released at E3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHj5VvFWbtE&feature=youtu.be and i actually hate them for claiming to be the "next chapter" I see them as more like fanfiction or some love child of WOW and TES


So I'm wondering what the community thinks


It is suppose to be a chapter in the past like if you were doing a remake of Arena. It is not suppose to be the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls, just a prequel of the games we have already played.



Yeah well that is why it can be a Prequal. As a prequal it can involve a lot of material not in the current games we have played, it just cannot contradict the lore. If they are using the right internet source for all their story information, then it isn't that difficult to create a game that follows the era of time that the MMO concentrates upon.

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so this video was released at E3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHj5VvFWbtE&feature=youtu.be and i actually hate them for claiming to be the "next chapter" I see them as more like fanfiction or some love child of WOW and TES


So I'm wondering what the community thinks


It is suppose to be a chapter in the past like if you were doing a remake of Arena. It is not suppose to be the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls, just a prequel of the games we have already played.



Yeah well that is why it can be a Prequal. As a prequal it can involve a lot of material not in the current games we have played, it just cannot contradict the lore. If they are using the right internet source for all their story information, then it isn't that difficult to create a game that follows the era of time that the MMO concentrates upon.


fair enough

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Honestly, I had a huge debate with a friend of mine on this. I said there is no way it can be like a true ES game because take Skyrim for example... as a single player open world game, you ARE unique, there is a very unique story played out with a very special character, you. That sense of uniqueness, that you are the only one who can do what you can do makes the game fun and interesting for me as an RPG. An MMO has absolutely none of that. I don't c are what you say, having to listen to a bunch of whiny brats wail about how you suck as a healer or w/e and having to wait for 30 dudes to take down one enemy boss is just retarded in my opinion and NOT unique, a daily GRIND GRIND GRIND instead of a roleplayer game where you slowly and gradually emerge and complete your quest as a unique actor on the world.


I honestly won't get it and play it. I hope it does good because that means more people will be into ES (not the RIGHT kind of ES mind you, but I guess more enthusiasm is better than none) and that means more ES games (hopefully single player after they get their MMO craze out of them).


I just think that an MMO is just... bland and boring. The only, literally only thing MMOs have for them is social advantages where ES has none. That's perfectly fine for me, but again, people will whine that I am stealing loot or not doing my job right... good bye immersion, I knew thee well! I just can't fathom why they could not make ANOTHER universe for this, especially since Bethesda Game STudios is NOT making it... what the actual crap? Can't they use the Fallout universe? I mean, I'd mentally barf over that too, but still, it would make for a better universe for this that is not based such rich lore as ES is...


I think it's a bit sacrilegious to make ES into an MMO. It will be like WoW is, and my god, that is an INSULT to ES. A mind dumbing down grind for EpIc LoOTZ and Raidz FTW is NOT what ES needs. It would destroy everything ES stands for. A unique hero, alone in the world who fights against all odds and overcomes them to become something of legend. How can 23984029384023894 people all be legends? You can't. You can't have that legendary feeling you get from playing Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall, etc... because you see 50 dudes in some retarded clan "bro it up" and break your game experience. You are DEPENDENT on OTHER people. That's like saying you need 50 Dovahkiin's to take down a dragon... what the hell? So your character, who is supposed to be someone who rises to legendary status, is just Soldier No. 499832 dash 4832. That to me is BLASPHEMY for a universe like this.


Radiant quests work well with MMOs, but unique quests... it just doesn't make sense. I cannot comprehend how this is supposed to work... Although looking at that Civil War Redone mod, I was extremely pissed that Bethesda pooped on the Civil War quest in Skyrim and took out awesome mechanics and stuff with that quest line, a main selling point of the story and point of skyrim. All that stuff was in game, they just took it out. For what? Some World of Eldercraft thing? Blaghh... a bad taste in my mouth.



It's not like I want it to fail, but imho, how can it NOT? How can fans of the series be drawn to something that is literally ANATHEMA to what the series has been about for over TWENTY years or so?


Here's another thing.... NO MODS ADDED. The very thing that makes PC versions SUPERIOR will be NON existant. How can you? It's online and it will be NOT FAIR and CHEATING to have a modded game. That's another thing that will kill this for me... NO FREAKING MODS. Can you imagine if someone said, Skyrim is going online, no more Sky UI, Deadly Dragons, SkyRe, Frostfall, Immersive Armors/weapons/etc... because Vanilla is all you get... deal with it.


NO WAY MAN. STAY VERY FAR AWAY! Do not pass go, do not collect 200 septims. Oh wait... there ARE no septims since this is supposed to be before the empire....


Sounds like a fantasy version of PlanetSide 2. No thank you.

Edited by oldspice2625
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