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Skyrim team UI


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I like keeping track of my followers, I don't always wanna look back and see if they're still there. So I am asking for a simple mod that needs UFO, that will make a new UI in the MCM that will show the faces of the followers in your party, and their health, stamina, and magicka. Also, if you click their icon, it will ask you if you want to see their inventory, skills, or perks. This way you do not have to go up to your follower and ask to see that stuff. It would be cool to see something like this, unfortunately for me, I'm not a modder, neither have a good computer.
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i think PLB from the skse team tinkers on something like this in his spare time.

a mod like this will come out eventually, whether it takes a month or much longer depends on PLB's schedule I guess.

Oh cool that's awesome!
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