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Big Problem with ENB MODE


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Last Night i have some trouble with Skyrim so i uninstall and start a new Installation, uses the same Mods Climates of Tamriel and ENB Sharpshooters Mod, but something is different now. When i stand on a bridge or before a stone or something, it only need a little bit everything in the background is out of focus like the picture, i must leave the stone or bridgne and must stand nearly that the water is sharpen, it makes me nervos when i´m walking an every seconds everything around me changes from sharphe to unsharpen...i never had this problem before. Did anyone know from what it comes or where is the problem ? I hope my picture work so you can see what i mean.




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I'm not sure if I fully understand your post, but to me it seems you don't want the DOF (depth of field / focus effect). If this is the case the you can turn Depth of Field off by opening the file "enbseries.ini" (found in Skyrims main directory - where tesv.exe is) and change the line...








Save the file and try Skyrim again. If this isn't the problem then we could perhaps need more information.

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