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Installing Mods with Plugins Causes CTD


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I've had a stable mod list of almost 400 mods for some time now, and I recently decided to add some more stuff. I was able to add a handful of mods, but at some point, any time I tried installing a mod with a plugin, the game would immediately CTD upon loading my save. I can install texture mods and the like just fine, but anything with a plugin instantly crashes. I run LOOT each time after installing a plugin so I don't think that should be the issue, and I'm aware of the 255 esp limit, but I have 284 active plugins and 46 of them are flagged as esl, so that shouldn't be the problem, right? I even uninstalled a mod that I've had for a few years (Skyrim is Windy) and reinstalled it, and that caused a CTD (removing it entirely makes the game work fine). Anyone have any ideas on what might be happening? I'm not sure how to debug this.

Edited by Dem0nS1ayer
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Did you try starting a new game? Or from main menu, go to console and run 'coc qasmoke'? To see if the game even starts with that mod setup?

You tried cleaning your save game with Fallrim Tools ReSaver? Did you at any point remove mods?

It could be your save could have old invalid references to a previously installed mod whose slot is now being recycled.


If using Vortex, from mod page, do Open - Game Settings Folder. Edit Skyrim.ini Papyrus section:



After crash, look in that same directory, check logs under SKSE and under Logs/Script.

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