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Deleting a actor inside a formlist

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I'm trying to delete actors that were added to a formlist when they died. I use it (at least that how it was in NV) to keep track of dead bodies:

        While (xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.GetSize() > xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_MaxDeadBodies.GetValue())
            Form ToDelete = xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.GetAt(0)            
            string name = ToDelete.GetName()
            name = ToDelete.GetName()
            fDebugTrace("Removed Actor " + name + " from dead body list.")

but all i get is "Disable is not a function or does not exist" in the CK. Any help?

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Oh sorry about that. In deleting i meant deleting the actual actor from the map using Disable() and Delete(). I already know how to remove the actor from the formlist.

Edit: Using "GetAt(0) as Actor" (learned it from your other answer) fixed it. Thanks again!


Edited by Magnusen2
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The issue is that you are pulling an object as a generic form from the form list and never telling the system what type of obejct the form is, so it doesn't have a script context.


If you are going to use formlists for managing ObjectReferences, which are less elegant than the purposely designed ReferenceCollectionAliases, then;

ObjectReference ToDelete = xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.GetAt(0) as ObjectReference 


(ToDelete as ObjectRefernce).Disable()
(ToDelete as ObjectRefernce).Delete()
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The issue is that you are pulling an object as a generic form from the form list and never telling the system what type of obejct the form is, so it doesn't have a script context.


If you are going to use formlists for managing ObjectReferences, which are less elegant than the purposely designed ReferenceCollectionAliases, then;

ObjectReference ToDelete = xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.GetAt(0) as ObjectReference 


(ToDelete as ObjectRefernce).Disable()
(ToDelete as ObjectRefernce).Delete()

Pardon me but is there any resource where i can learn more about "ReferenceCollectionAliases"? I can't find info on google.

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