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Skyrim Stuttering 1.9 Help!


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Okay, I got the classic case of stuttering in my skyrim game and no matter what I do I can't seem to fix it. FPS limit, fixes, ini tweaks, etc., and still natha, I still stutter like crazy. I just started playing Skyrim again and reinstall it in my PC and that was like a wk ago.

I never have this problem before, it was always minor but not to the point of it being unplayable.


Although it seems to be stituational, in certain areas like Dawnstar, Windhelm, and Riften I stutter, and it always outside, near cities or in. It doesn't stutter when I move, but only when I move the mouse and it is very fustrating.


It seems to happen to only my save file though I haven't tested it extensively, but I don't want to start all over again. Help?


Edit: I am using a AMD RadeonHD 5570 and my FPS in Skyrim is good, around 40-60fps outside and over 50fps inside depending on the lighting.

Edited by Joshico
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Can you be more specific about what fixes you have already tried?


The areas you refer to are high in textures and scripts. You may simply be overtaxing your system, or the game engine.

Have you tried using a texture optimizer? I use mikanoshi's Skyrim Mods Complex Optimizer, and it has increased the performance of my game quite a bit with no detectable loss of quality. There are a couple similar mods out there, too.


Other than that, you might try using the lower-res options for mods, if there are any (for example WATER, SMIM, etc.), and/or removing some mods that create new spawns, or turn down you graphics settings. If you are using a ugridstoload larger than the default, that could also be the problem. I use 7 ugrids, but I compensated by making pretty drastic cuts in other areas.

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Thanks for the reply, but for some reason I managed to find out why I was stuttering. Apparently it was the 3 esps for Bethesda hi-res dlc, once I disabled them and added their BSA to the skyrim.ini archive it stopped. Huh..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem since patch 1.9. Game is stuttering when i move the camera near cities. Disabling the high res dlc didn't helped me. And it's heavy stuttering, screen freezes for seconds, impossible to play like this. I didn't have this problem with patch 1.8.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem where I would stutter slightly when walking and when I turn the camera directly behind my character, it freezes for a good 5 seconds and slowly builds back up to its normal frame rate. I just built a computer too and am running a AMD Radeon HD 7700 series. I have also tried the skyrim stutter fixer Skyrim Stuttering 64hz Bug Fix any help would be much appreciated!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm actually sending an HD 7770 2GB back to Amazon because of this stuttering problem. Even when the FPS is 50-60 there is a frequent hitching and when I pan the camera it stutters. As TheThirdVoid said, I get a slight stuttering while walking that gets very pronounced while running. I put an ancient 8800 GTX in the system and while its much slower in FPS than the HD 7770, its smoother. Think I'll go with a GTX 650 Ti 2GB once I send this back.

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