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Must have skyrim mods ?


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Hi guys ,

I recently rebooted my computer and re installed skyrim . So im starting fresh !
Im not the best when it comes to modding games although i do enjoy modding skyrim but had a few issues last time with some mods causing some issue with compatablity and stuff .
So i was wondering if anyone could take the time to list must have skyrim mods ? that will work together making skyrim look and feel realstic and fun !!
I play on a non gaming pc :( boo! but can run skyrim at medium settings so am looking for good graphics mods that will work well on medium settings! along with all other mods that will make skyrim feel and play better !
( I tried G.E.M but got confused with some things as i stated not the best at modding !.....yet! lol )

Thanks guys
Will be appretiacted greatly !!

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These days, the flow is typically:

  • SkyRe for gameplay.
    (There are other mods that flesh out individual aspects of the game, but you'd need to actually piece them together)
  • Any ENB you like.
    (search "ENB").
  • Then decide whether you want realism (Frostfall and go from there), softcore prawn (anything with CBBE or UNP in the name) or nitpicky detail (texture mods, anything that modifies cities, the static mesh project etc).

I'd recommend just grabbing the above, then browsing the categories and picking up what seems interesting. Mod shopping is fun and just going down a list isn't.



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