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Making a backup of mods


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Is it possible with NMM to make some sort of backup of my installed mods? My PC is seriously in need of a format, and I really wouldn't like to redownload again every single mod. Not because I'm lazy (bah, not only because I'm lazy), but also because I don't fully remember every single mod I have, and somehow managed to have a good balance between performance, quality, and immersion. Hope you guys can help me, thanks.


PS: If this has already been posted/asked/answered then forgive my heresy, I shall exile myself to the mountains and therefore live as a goat..

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To backup your mod data for NMM:

Backup all data in the individual game folders located in the NMM folder

This should include a Mods folder and an Install Info folder for each game that you have NMM set up with


To backup your already installed mods in the Skyrim game:

For simplicity sake just archive the entire game folder, that would backup all SKSE and other 3rd party stuff as well as mod stuff in the data folder.

So long as you re-install Steam & Skyrim, you *should* be able to get away with extracting the archive over top of the new installation.


Don't forget to backup your save files and INI files in the documents directory as well. And if you can locate them there are some text files deep in your AppData folder which contain the actual plugin/load order of your mods/dlc, so back them up too once found.


All that should save the information, getting it to work again may require some trial and error. Just make sure you keep your current load order handy in case you need to rearrange plugins.


That's theory. Untested by me. Good luck.

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