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Is there a way to locate the specific mod that causes problems to the


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I reinstalled Skyrim after a long time, also installed about 16 GB some mods without carefully looking are they compatible.


Currently there are about 80-100 mods installed to my Skyrim, I tried the game when I had 60 mods installed, it worked fine. Now when I installed all the rest of the mods from my favorite mod list, I can't even get to the main menu. You know, basic problems when modding games.


But as I am still a noob on modding, I thought that is there any way to locate the source of the problem, othen than manually? Programs, tools, anything? Or do I really have to go searching the issue file by file?


EDIT: Title too long

Edited by Eliittihemuli
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if the game crashes on the main menu logo, that generally means you have a mod that is missing it's master file, or the plugin to a plugin (patch for a plugin) is loaded before the needed master(s).



Mod A - My character mod

Mod B - A plugin to Mod A to give new hair or whatever


Mod B should be loaded after A, if not it will fail on loading and my game will CTD (at the main menu logo, mostly)


In NMM you can see which mods are masters to the select mod on the right side... mods always have to be loaded after the masters it needs or the game will crash on startup. I'd also suggest to use something like BOSS ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/ ) to help you sort your load order. BOSS can be used as guideline... it will not know all mods, but most. The ones it doesn't know will be placed at the end of your load order and must be placed manually with similar mods.


Just a word of warning, adding batches of mods, not checking the mods sites paying special attention to compatibilities and/or requirements is a recipe for disaster. I doubt youll get a stable game in your current way of adding mods.


also installed about 16 GB some mods without carefully looking are they compatible

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Thanks for the reply


Half of my mods are subscibed from Steam Workshop, which means they download themselves automatically and the other half are all manual downloads from Nexus.


I think I have no choice but to delete everything and start from the very beginning, but this time with careful planning. Reason I did not do this earlier is...well, what can I say I'm a lazy bastard and I just wanted all the most high definiton titty mods installed as soon as possible.


Also when I start browsing all the mods, pretty fast it starts to get to perfectionism: "Should I download this?" "Will I ever need it?" "Do I really need this?" "I'll just install it and hope I use it sometime."


It's damn annoying, I never find the real amount of the right mods and without that I won't ever be able to play the actual game for long without thinking I need more mods.

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