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Random CTDs, never happened, and now happening all of a sudden


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So i just recently bought Skyrim, a few weeks ago. played about 30 hours now. ive had a CTD a couple times, few and far between, random, and it would be a one off. would restart the game and be fine. all in all ive seen very few glitches....i havent played in about a week, but i went back on today, and as soon as i enter Volenruud (as part of the Dark Brotherhood quest) i get a CTD. start it back up and about a minute later, another one. i kept just restarting for about 5 times, managed to talk to the Quest NPC and explore for a couple of minutes and then it CTDed again. so i quickly hop on here because i remembered seeing a bunch of threads about CTDs. i looked at a couple, but it didnt seem like any of them were similar to mine. none the less, i tried a couple of the tips. i ran BOSS and TES5Edit (which i had done previously, this wasnt the first time) i made sure my NMM was up to date, and updated the mods I had. but none of it worked. hopped back in and got two more CTDs in just a couple minutes. the last one (before i hopped on here to write this) happened literally about 5 seconds after the game loaded, which was by far the fastest one.


as i said, ive had a couple of CTDs in the past, but this is insane. nothing has changed in the week i didnt play. no new mods, settings are the same. no new PC hardware or changes to it, hell im not even sure if ive downloaded any new software since then.


i hope someone has some more advice on these random new CTDs im getting.


i doubt its my mods since ive been fine this whole time but here they are:




Better Landscape Textures

Complete Crafting Overhaul

HiRes Legible Roadsigns

Ishs Respec Mod

Longer Sprinting

Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel

Pure Waters

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Landscape 2048px

" " " " - Landscape 2048px Update

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Dungeons

" " " " - Landscape

" " " " - Misc

" " " " - Towns

Skyrim Project Optimization

Smithing Perks Overhail

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Unofficial High Resolution Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Weapons and Armor Fixes

Wearable Lanterns




as well as my .esp order:






Skyrim Project Optimization.esm

Climates of Tamriel.esm

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

Static Mesh Improvement Mod.esp

Wearable Lantern.esp

Ish's Respec Mod.esp

Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp

Smithing Perks Overhaul.esp

Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp

Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp

Rich Merchents.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp

" " " - Major City Exteriors.esp

" " " - Major City Interiors.esp

" " " - Minor Cities and Towns Interiors.esp






and my system info:




Windows 7 Pro x64

8gb DDR3 Ram (1333)


7950 2GB

1920x1080 @ 60Hz


played on Ultra Settings



Edited by hoofhearted4
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well the CTDs seemed to be an issue with Volenruud specifically. i reloaded an earlier saved and went around for a bit no problem. enteren Volenruud and talked to the NPC no problem. as soon as i went to explore deeper it CTD on me. managed to get out and i think im fine again. weird.

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