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How to make npcs undress?


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My mod for Lakeview adds alot of buildings (such as a pool) and npcs, but in all this time I still have not found a way to make npcs go take a dip in the pool without their clothes on.

Either I could make an npc who is naked and in the pool all the time, or make the regular npcs go with clothes on.

But this is unrealistic, I would love it if someone knows a way to make npcs undress during certain hours and dress up again afterwards.


Ive heard that the mod "bathing beauties" does something similar, but I am no scripter and trying to look for this inside that mod proved a failure for me.


Plz help.

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Guest Messenjah

You will need to learn Papyus to do this. Google the Creation Kit wiki. :)

Edited by Messenjah
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