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Transition from cracked to original Skyrim


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I've been playing the cracked version of the game for a while. Now I decided to buy an original one and expansion packs. But after all the updates to the game and the mods I have, I'm worried if I install the new ones, my saves might not work. Will it work if I just uninstall the mods and game, then install the original one(Steam), then new version of the mods, SKSE and BOSS? Or do I have to do anything else?


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I still suggest starting a new game. Your old save could work properly or it could not, there's no guarantee so you do it at your own risk. Problem may arise not from mods but from the game itself. I remember year ago, my save became corrupted when I updated my game from patch 1.2 to 1.3 and that's the official patch no less. Your save is from the cracked version, which very possibly is different from the steam version. That increases the chance the game not working properly. Beside, starting new game would get you steam achievement properly.

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You gotta start over. And since a cracked version is not supported here all I can say Is install the same mods and hope for the best. (Basically that is all you can do anyway) - next time don't get a cracked version, it only costs game developers money and that causes 2 annoying things: 1) quality goes down and 2) game developers start to release titles with console in mind instead of PC, which is very bad for us PC gamers

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Thanks for advices to both of you. I'll try anyway, have nothing to lose :biggrin: .


You gotta start over. And since a cracked version is not supported here all I can say Is install the same mods and hope for the best. (Basically that is all you can do anyway) - next time don't get a cracked version, it only costs game developers money and that causes 2 annoying things: 1) quality goes down and 2) game developers start to release titles with console in mind instead of PC, which is very bad for us PC gamers


I'm very aware about the harms of using cracked games to game developers. However, games in my country, Turkey, are so expensive that I can barely afford them as a student, even if I buy it on steam, basically 1$=2 Turk Liras, skyrim legendary edition is 120 TL :blink: . Just think about buying several games like that and your 300-400 TL is gone. So what I'm doing is, I play games, then I decide to buy the original ones to support the developers if it's worth. Here is a fact about Turkey, I can easily say people who have ever bought an original game in Turkey is like 4-5 percent of all the gamers in Turkey. I know, it's weird, and I'm trying to be supportive as much as I can afford :happy: .

Edited by Epokhe
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We do not support pirates here. Normally this would get you a ban but since you seem to be trying to rectify your mistake I will simply close this thread. You need to take your newly purchased game, get it up to date with your Steam account and begin anew. This is the price you pay for stealing a game. And yes, piracy is just the same as walking into a store and lifting something.


Don't ask about anything pirated again or you will be shown the door. Good luck with your proper game.~Lisnpuppy

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