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Seeking Specific Mod or Console Command?


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I really hope this is in the right section, if not, I'm really sorry.


Before reading, know that this is NOT a mod request, just a question.


The only way I've managed to make a decent looking elf character is to... well. Make her not-elf, just elf like appearances (mainly being the ears). I'm fine with this, however what would really be great is if there was a console command anyone knew that could possibly make it so all NPC's recognize my character as a high elf, instead of a nord. (Or even better, do that + allow me the high elf stats and skill you get at character creation?)


Either through console or an existing mod I seemingly can't seem to find (if there even is one) to accomplish this? I can live without the stats of a high elf, I suppose, but it would be really awesome if at the very least NPC's would recognize me as a high elf without me actually having to BE one.


Thanks in advance for anyone who tries to help me out here, and again, very sorry if this is in the wrong place! First time posting here on the forums. n.n;

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Still searching, anyone have any ideas? :smile:


To my knowledge there is no console command nor mod that does exactly what you ask.


Have you tried Ethereal Elven OverHaul ?


EDIT: there is one command you may be able to use within Console "setplayerrace highelfrace" but using this command may or may not cause issues later on.

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Still searching, anyone have any ideas? :smile:


To my knowledge there is no console command nor mod that does exactly what you ask.


Have you tried Ethereal Elven OverHaul ?


EDIT: there is one command you may be able to use within Console "setplayerrace highelfrace" but using this command may or may not cause issues later on.


Yeah, unfortunately I have tried that, but with the mods that I have, it's incompatible with some. I may just have to ditch the ones I have and go for that one. I use the prettyface mod that only works with non-elven characters, and I really like the effect it gives me. I guess I'll just have to deal with being a nord that looks like an elf. xD Thanks anyway, though. :P

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