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[LE] Creation Kit Folder Structure

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Hey all!


I'm wondering if there is a way to add new subfolders to the object window in the CK. I could really use the feature, as I've a lot of custom races, and it would be cool to make the "actor" folder have "creatures", "daedra", "dwemer animunculi", "npcs", "undead", etc. I have yet to find a solution for adding new subfolders. Oblivion had them, though they were a bit differently set up with categories ( hardcoded ). Is it possible?


Another question - Does anyone have an idea why some of the folders for custom assets have doubles? Like for example, my adamantium armor has "Adamantium" and "adamantium", which contain the same resources. Uppercase and lowercase doubles, and it just clogs the interface...

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You can't add folders in CK to the "Actor" section in the 'Object Window', you can only do that to everything else, to be more precise:

- CK will inherit the folder structure of the new added object, so if you have a structure like.

meshes / MyCoolMod / Decorations / Statues

You will see in the "Static" section in the 'Object Window' of your new added item a "Folder Tree" like.

Static > MyCoolMod > Decorations > Statues

As for the actors, there isn't a 'Folder Tree' and the name will be inherited by the 'New Created Race' and not by your mod's folder stucture.

As for your second question, sorry... i have no idea what youre talking about... i've never encountered this issue.

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Adamantium has to be mod added as it is not a base game or DLC material. Could be a problem with whatever mod supplies it. Could be an issue where one mod intended to patch the other but screwed the process up and ended up duplicating the records instead. No idea without seeing for ourselves.


Other things can be separated as maxarturo outlined. Also, quests can be given an "object window filter" to separate them from others. But actors cannot be sorted into different categories. They'll automatically separate first by race and then by gender.

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