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Fallout NV blender exporting/ importing textures


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I am hoping someone can help me figure this out. I have the newest versions of blender/ nifskope and the required files to import nif mesh. I got Fomm and extracted mesh.nif in a separate folder as well as the texture bsa. I already got an armor and weapon mashed together but I cant for the life of me figure how to export them to geck. I have watched many beginners videos and read a few forums and I am still lost. I need one on one help to figure this out.


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I have seen folks use the newest version of Blender to make simple statics, but anything with rigging is likely to not work. You really need Blender 2.49b and its associated nif tools. You can have both versions of Blender installed on your system. They won't interfere with each other.


You can find a link to the tools here:



Under Blender 2.49b, export the nif, making sure on the nif export screen to select Fallout 3 on the lower left, select Creature and the Skin under collision options (top, middle), then make sure Use BSFadeNodeRoot is de-selected on the upper right.


Blender doesn't export the shader flags properly for creature/outfit meshes so you'll have to fix those in NifSkope. For regular armor/clothing parts, the type needs to be set to SHADER_DEFAULT and make sure SF_SHADOW_MAP and SF_REMAPABLE_TEXTURES are both checked. For the any visible human skin body parts (arms, legs, etc) the type needs to be set to SHADER_SKIN and make sure SF_SHADOW_MAP and SF_FACEGEN are both checked. Blender usually sets the rest of the flags correctly.


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "I already got an armor and weapon mashed together". If you are trying to have a weapon visible stowed on the armor, you need to parent the weapon to the armor's skeleton (aka armature) and set the bone weights accordingly. If you haven't already done this, the weapon will either not appear at all on the armor in-game or it will appear heavily distorted.

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