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New to Skyrim Mod Help


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Hi recently got a copy of skyrim. Great game btw but i would like to add some mods to my game. I never modded a game so i am really new at this. What are some basic tips to follow when modding skyrim. I downloaded a few item mods and texure mod the Skyrim HD 2K Lite mod for the landscape but i would like to add more mods. I did not install the texture mods yet. I also heard about some skyrim.ini tweaks that could improve your game. Where can i get this information. I only plan on adding item and texture mods at the moment.


My System

i5 2500k Stock

8 gigs ram

gtx 460 1G

windows 7 64bit


Thanks and please post the link of your recommendations if they have one.

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Welcome to Skyrim. I am not a mod maker but I do use quite a lot of mods and have at least some basic advice for you. First step is to, before adding many more mods, backup both you skyrim folders (the first being the one under your program files(x86) where the TESV.exe is located and the second being the one in your my games folder where the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini files are located). This way if anything does something to your skyrim data you can simply move back to the origional.


As for any texture mods. I would suggest http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24909/? as Cabal does a great job, in my opinion, in bringing a harsher tone to the armours and weapons of skyrim than the origional game does. He doesn't have all armour and weapons done but there is a fair chunk of them.

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Thanks for the tip. I have one question though. I have the Immersive weapons and armor mods installed. Now if i install the Book of silence will to still work with the IA and IW mods. What other good landscape mods are there.

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Well in regards to the Book of silence working with IA and IW, any part of the armours/weapons in those mods that utilize vanilla textures will have their textures preplaced with the textures from book of silence. I think there may also be a patch that helps better integrate the textures from Book of silence with the items from IA and IW. As for good landscape mods... I don't use a whole lot of those so I wouldn't know off hand but I do remember seeing a rock texture replacer pop up on the nexus not too long ago . I find that following some of the people who cover mods on youtube helps find a lot of the more common ones.


A few to suggest would be:





and even though I know you aren't looking for any at the moment but if you wish to use ENB's in the future, Hodilton on youtube covers and compares a lot of them.


Edit: Found that rock texture I was talking about, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37256/?

Edited by Kaellora
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Welcome! A modded Skyrim is gaming goodness indeed! I would recommend Gopher's vids on YouTube as well. Read the mod's Readme and Description carefully, cannot be stressed enough. Making sure mods are compatible with each other. Some mods require the DLC. And some mods require the Unofficial Skyrim patches.

I started out going through the most endorsed Top Files of All-Time Then watched some of Gohpher's vids, came across GEMS and then eventually started browsing through individual categories. There are many utilities that make installing mods more organized.

Gohpher's Videos

Skyrim GEMS

Nexus Mod Manager (installing and uninstalling mods)

Wrye Bash (for merging Leveled lists, also installing and uninstalling some mods)

SKSE (Script Extender)

TES5edit (can use for cleaning mods, Gopher has a video on that also.)

SUM (Skyproc unified Patcher)

BOSS (for sorting mods.)

and there are more utilities that I'm probably forgetting. You will probably come across them as you go through the Readmes. And be careful unistalling mods, follow the uninstall instructions to make sure no scripts are left in your Save Game File. Though SKSE now has an .ini edit that deals a bit with that.


As far as recommending mods, I have way too many favorites to list individually. But the one mod that I would recommend 100% would be Skyrim Redone game overhaul. Watch Gopher's video about it. I also recommend Sky U.I., an excellent interface mod. Deadly Dragons is a must for me also.

I would say just install a couple at a time, and enjoy them, but that is difficult to do. It can become very addicting, easily, to keep wanting to try out the amazing work that the modding community has done. :D Sweared that I would only install about 50-75 mods. But just like Oblivion and Fallout 3, I ended up with well over 150+. But it is very satisfying and well worth the headache and effort to get a heavily modded Skyrim playing stable.


Here is a list of the mods that I have going at the moment.(Listed in signature) Hopefully, you are able to get your Skyrim modded the way you want and enjoy a great Skyrim Game.



Updated; Fresh Install with a different lineup of mods. Tested using the 'Stress Test' recommended by Vurt. Also using Alternate Start: Live Another Life to avoid lengthy Helgen startup. Had to get rid of CoT Ambient Sounds, Sounds of Skyrim, Audio Overhaul for Skyrim, Asis and SkyTest Realistic Animals and Predators, Immersive Settlements. These six mods, either by themselves or various combinations of them, all caused Freezing and CTDs and failed the 'Stress Test.' Just could not make them work without issues.

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