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Angry elf trying to murder me...


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So I just walked into Riften, minding my own business, when this elf came out of nowhere and started firing glowing arrows at me! None of the guards are reacting and this guy hits pretty hard as well... I was curious on who this guy was, so I looked him up. The only thing is that he is nowhere on the wiki. I think he's part of a mod... Like Interesting NPCs or Bandit Raids.


I managed to get a screenshot of him (attached). His name is Shen (with an h, not a v, like Sven from Riverwood), and he appears to be very pissed off at me... He's also a lot stronger than me, so I've been playing hide and seek around Riften with him. I can smite him with godmode, but I'm still curious on who the hell this guy is...


Any thoughts?

Edited by TheNoremac42
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Also, after I killed this guy in the market, I went into the Bee and Barb to rent a room for the night. However, the moment I stepped in, good ol' Louis Letrush (whom my character has never seen or heard of before) attacked me on sight. Since he's considered essentially, I had to disable him with the console. Is there a way to re-enable him and fix the bug?

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